Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Meta Prompt Generator

I've been slowly working my way out of a creative rut brought on by the general state of the world and my life in 2020. Something I've toyed with is just posting short things more often, instead of scope-creeping my way into 2000-word opuses that are both a: incredibly cool and b: take about a month to percolate and cut into something postable.

Here's a d100 list of tags to mix, match, and recombine into inspiration for your (or my) next blog post! Hit the button. Write that post. I double-dog-dare you. It doesn't have to be good, or long, or more than like (2d4*100) words. A good table can go a long way.

With whatever you roll, try to make something conceptually dense and useful immediately at the table. Practical utility > highminded theory, especially when I haven't actually run a game in a year and likely won't until it's safe to have 4-5 people in close quarters indoors again.

by Guangyuan Yu
d100 Post Tags
1. advice
2. alchemy
3. alignment
4. an adventure
5. art
6. b/x
7. campaign prompts
8. character creation
9. cities
10. class
11. clothing
12. combat
13. concise
14. crafting
15. crime
16. cultures
17. currency
18. d20 tables
19. death
20. deep time
21. dice
22. divinity
23. downtime
24. dragons
25. dungeons
26. dwarves
27. elements
28. elves
29. endings
30. environments
31. equipment
32. exploration
33. factions
34. folk
35. food
36. fountains
37. giants
38. glog
39. healing
40. hexcrawling
41. history
42. horror
43. humans
44. items
45. just write a short dungeon and post it
46. language
47. law
48. leveling up
49. light
50. machines
51. maps
52. math
53. meat
54. mechs
55. meta
56. metal
57. modern
58. monsters
59. mutations
60. narrative
61. nature
62. npcs
63. one page
64. orcs
65. outsiders
66. patronage
67. peasants
68. plague
69. plot hooks
70. pointcrawls
71. prophecies
72. prosthetics
73. psionics
74. random encounters
75. religion
76. royalty
77. sample characters
78. schools
79. sci-fi
80. ships
81. shops
82. skills
83. social
84. space
85. spells
86. stress
87. theory
88. time
89. tools
90. traps
91. treasure
92. trivia
93. undead
94. vehicles
95. villages
96. war
97. weather
98. weird shit
99. wilderness
100. worldbuilding


  1. [environments, math, and combat]
    Vague but I'll do it

  2. I really love stuff like this - mashing stuff together is basically how I get all my inspiration. Definitely going to be using this table a lot, thanks!

  3. I love this generator so much. I have written two blog posts inspired by results I got from the generator.


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