Monday, April 26, 2021

LEGAMON: Trainers, Items, and Moves

Trainers are powerful, but only through the strength of their friends and allies. When you want to do something in the world of Legamon, you either can obviously do it (roleplay out the effects and consequences), or you need a Legamon to help you. This game isn't about the trainer's stats - it's about their legamon, their strategies, and their creativity. To create your character, answer the following prompts from your character's point of view.
1. Which part of Cataclys did you grow up in? Which species' of 'mon did you see most often? Which 'mon made a big impression on you?
2. Write down a significant event in your life and the lesson you learned from it, a skill you learned in your upbringing that you're good at, and a goal you want to achieve.
3. Choose a Level 1 'mon to be your Starter Legamon. You've bonded over your lives. How did you meet, and why did they choose you?
4. Which person in your your life cares about you enough to look for you if you go missing?

Instead of commanding their 'mon to use a move, a trainers can instead use their 'mon's turn to apply an item to it. ‘mon can hold 1 item each and will use it at the start of their turn, at the first opportunity. If the ‘mon uses it, they can still take their turn afterwards. Some items can be foraged in the wilderness, some are given by friends and comrades, and some must be purchased from the powers that threaten to devour the Cataclys region whole.

20 Items
Stim Candy: Roll the ‘mon’s Hit Dice, then restore that much Health. Consumable.
Smelling Salts: Remove a Status Condition from your ‘mon. Consumable.
Power Juice!™: Give the ‘mon an extra Power Die until the end of the battle. Consumable.
Ablative Plate: Give the 'mon +2 Armor. Consumed when hit with a physical attack.
Sharpener: Give the 'mon +2 Attack. Bonus wears off when hitting with a physical attack.
Grease: Give the 'mon +1 Speed. Bonus wears off at the end of the battle.
Hazard Paste: Give the 'mon +2 Save (but not Save Target). Bonus wears off when failing a save.
Incense Stick: Give the 'mon +2 to Save Target. Bonus wears off when the enemy passes a save.
Recall Rope: You can swap this 'mon out for another 'mon at the end of its turn, after it's used a move. This consumes the Recall Rope. Must be held to work.
Fashion Scarf: Looks incredibly snazzy. Did you make that yourself? Other trainers will respect you more if your 'mon are wearing scarves instead of holding items.
Good Luck Crystal: Is consumed when your 'mon would be reduced to 0 HP from its maximum by a single attack, and keeps your 'mon's HP at 1 instead. Must be held to work.
Focus Blinders: Your 'mon can't use its special moves, but gets +1 Speed for each move it loses access to this way. Must be held to work.
Limiter Weights: While your 'mon is wearing the weights, reduce its Level and each of its stats by 1. Lose access to one of its moves. Only works on level 2 or higher 'mon. Great for when you want a fair fight against a weaker opponent. Must be held to work.
Intimidate Bell: The 'mon's next Physical attack hits. Works once per battle.
Distraction Confetti: The next save an enemy makes fails. Works once per battle.
Adrenaline Shot: When this 'mon would be knocked out, it gets one free attack before fainting. The shot is consumed after this takes effect.
Numbing Salve: Decrease damage from status effects by 1 (minimum: 1). Consumed at the end of the battle.
Restraint Band: May decrease the next Power Die that rolls a 4 or above to a 3, decreasing the power of the move but also returning the die to your 'mon's PD pool. Only works once per battle.
Umbrella Cloak: This 'mon has advantage on saves against weather. Must be held to work.
Keening Gem: Negate all 'mon's abilities while this 'mon is in play. Must be held to work.
The Atlantis Corporation has created a strange and unnerving tool to assist their resource-extraction operations in the Cataclys region. Fist-sized polyhedra called "Legablocks™" render a 'mon into a form of pure energy and store it as a digital representation inside the block. The more faces the polyhedron has, the more powerful a legamon can be stored within, reduced from a powerful creature to a unique identifier code.

It seems that the storage process occurs no matter whether the 'mon wishes it or not, and it changes their very being into something that cannot exist without the devices. When they're imprisoned within their legablock, they are connected to it through a link called the "block chain", which gives the Atlantis Corporation total control over the 'mon stored along it. Severing a 'mon from the block chain has so far proved impossible, and attached 'mon frequently express their distress whenever their corporate trainer won't hurt them for doing so.

It goes without saying that the use of Legablocks™ is reprehensible, uncannily reminescent of the worst excesses of the ancient invaders, and any self-respecting trainer from Cataclys would never hurt their legamon by using them. Instead, Cataclys trainers make close friends with their 'mon, building bonds of mutual respect and trust, bringing only the 'mon they need with them for an adventure and trusting the others to meet them when they return. Large legamon like Palangrove or Leviabyss often act as mounts where entire rosters of legamon can travel with their trainer, and 'mon like Beaglisk and Retrievyrn are trained to shepherd all kinds of legamon so they don't run off when their trainer needs them most.

Move Library
While some moves can only be used by specific legamon, many can be taught to any of the proper type. The following are 108 (6 for each of the 18 types) some of the more well-known moves that trainers teach their mon in the Cataclys region.
A ‘mon can only know a number of moves equal to its level, but you can always train it out of its old bad habits and into new ones that help your team composition or let you surpass the latest obstacle.
Any 'mon can learn Normal-type moves.
Physical moves involve a 'mon rolling a d20+Attack, and the attack hits and takes effect if it ties or beats the target's Armor Class (10+Armor).
Status moves involve the targeted 'mon rolling a d20+Save vs. the attacker's Save Target. Bonuses to Save Target only affects the save against the move itself, not the saves to shake off the status effect. If a 'mon is suffering from multiple copies of the same status effect, each deals separate damage and is saved separately.
Maneuvers empower the user. Stats gained or lost from moves don’t last beyond the battle. Health lost and Power Dice spent do - but Health gained or Power Dice restored don't. Wounds must be bandaged outside of combat, and Power Dice only return on a proper rest.
Movement moves move the user (which isn't confusingly phrased at all). This is partly diegetic, and of course can be invoked out of combat, but typically provides some sort of protection from moves while limiting the moves that the user can use in return.
Utility moves are primarily useful out of combat, allowing passage through otherwise-hostile terrain. They can be used for combat as well, but are slightly weaker than an equivalent move of the same class.

Weather moves change the battlefield conditions. Lasts until either weather effect removed or end of battle. Using a weather move out of combat still works, and it lasts ten minutes by default. All weather moves expend a Power Die, regardless of the roll - changing the weather is incredibly exhausting!

Even if a Physical move misses or a Status Move is saved against, still roll the Power Die to see if it returns or not.
There are several status effects that are not associated with a specific type. Blindness cuts an affected 'mon's Attack and Save to 0. They get to save each round, end condition on success. A Sleeping 'mon cannot use any moves, and gets to save each round to wake up (end condition on a success). They also wake up if they are switched out of the battle. An Infested 'mon takes level damage at the start of their turn plus 1 for each time they have been infested this battle, then saves to end condition.
Normal. Status: Taunt. Taunted 'mon can only use its basic Physical moves, not status or special moves. Save each round, end condition on success.
Immune to Ghost.
CURL UP (Normal, Maneuver): Get +sum armor until next damaged or until this ‘mon next attacks.
DEEP BREATH (Normal, Maneuver): Gain sum health. This can increase health above its maximum, but only for the duration of the battle.
FACE FLIP (Normal, Maneuver): +sum to Save Target. Spins rapidly, confusing the target.
PUFF UP (Normal, Status): Target succumbs to fear and switches out for a random ‘mon (or runs away, if wild).
QUICK STRIKE (Normal, Physical): Announce that you want to use this move at the start of the round. This move happens before anything else, even status effects and saves, and deals sum damage.
CUT (Normal, Physical/Utility): This ‘mon can effortlessly carve a path through thick undergrowth. When used in combat, deals sum damage and cuts target’s Armor by dice.
Grass. Status: Drain. Drained mon saves each round, on a failure, take level grass damage and opposing 'mon restores level health. End condition on success.
Strong vs. Water, Ground, Rock. Resist Water, Electric, Grass, Ground, Steel.
SEED CANNON (Grass, Physical): Make sum attacks against the target. Each attack that hits deals damage equal to the number of attacks that have hit so far (the first to hit deals 1, the second to hit deals 2, the third to hit deals 3, etc).
SAP BLAST (Grass, Status): Target is Bound. They automatically fail saves to remove it for dice rounds. When they shake off the status, they take highest damage.
TAKE ROOT (Grass, Maneuver): Gain +dice Armor and reduce damage from the next dice physical attacks by sum.
VINE LASH (Grass, Physical): Deal sum damage. Target saves vs. Knockdown.
SOLAR BEAM (Grass, Physical): Deal sum+sum damage. If the attack misses, it still deals sum damage. Expend all Power Dice used on this move, regardless of their value.
POLLEN FOG (Grass, Weather): Vent a cloud of allergenic spores into the air. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1, each ‘mon saves vs. Drain (if one of your ‘mon gets drained, the enemy ‘mon is healed). On a 6, each ‘mon saves vs. Confusion. Expends the spent dice.

Water. Status: Drench. Reduce drenched 'mon's highest stat (except Hit Dice) to amount of lowest stat. Save each round, end condition on success.
Strong vs. Fire, Ground, Rock. Resist Fire, Water, Ice, Steel.
HOSE DOWN (Water, Status): +sum to Save Target. Target is Drenched, then takes damage equal to the amount their stat was reduced.
CANNONBALL (Water, Physical): Deals sum damage to each other ‘mon. Gain +dice Save until the end of this ‘mon’s next turn from the shroud of water kicked up.
SURF (Water, Physical/Utility): This ‘mon can carry passengers across the water. When used in combat, this move deals sum damage and target saves vs. Knockdown.
FLOW STATE (Water, Maneuver): Gain +dice to Armor, Speed, Save, and Attack until next taking damage.
WATER HAMMER (Water, Physical): Deal sum damage and target is drenched and staggered.
TYPHOON (Water, Weather): A typhoon blasts the battlefield with winds and rain. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, all combatants save vs. Drench. On a 4-6, all combatants save vs. Knockdown. Expends the spent dice.

Fire. Status: Burning. Burning 'mon saves each round. On a failure, take level +1 fire damage. On a success, end the condition.
Strong vs. Grass, Ice, Bug, Steel. Resist Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel, Fairy.
FIREBALL (Fire, Physical): Deal sum damage and target saves vs. burning.
FLARE UP (Fire, Maneuver): Gain +sum Attack until the end of next turn.
FLAME WHEEL (Fire, Status): +sum to Save Target. Burn the target, then deal level+1 damage for each burn status affecting the target.
OVERHEAT (Fire, Status): Burn the target, and they automatically fail their next level+dice saves against this burn.
CAUTERIZE (Fire, Physical): Deal sum damage, plus an additional dice+1 damage for each status condition affecting the target, then remove all status conditions affecting the target.
CLEANSING BLAZE (Fire, Weather): An ashen fire consumes the battlefield. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, all combatants save vs. Burning. On a 4-6, all combatants save vs. Drain (if one of your ‘mon gets drained, the enemy ‘mon is healed). Expends the spent dice.

Flying. Status: Knockdown. Knocked down 'mon goes last next round regardless of Speed.
Strong vs. Grass, Poison, Bug. Resist Grass, Fighting, Bug.
AIR STRIKE (Flying, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. If they’re knocked down, keep them knocked down next round as well.
DIVE BOMB (Flying, Physical): Deal sum damage. Target saves vs. Knockdown, or can voluntarily knock themself down to avoid the damage.
SKY DANCE (Flying, Maneuver): Gain +sum points to divide between Armor and Save as you choose until the end of this 'mon's next turn.
GUST (Flying, Status): Knock down all other ‘mon. While knocked down, reduce their Armor and Save by dice.
FLY (Flying, Movement/Utility): Fly high in the air; can carry trainers this way. A flying ‘mon becomes immune to attacks it normally resists. Can maintain flight in combat for sum rounds; ends when it uses or is hit by a Physical attack.
JETSTREAM (Flying, Maneuver): Blasts the area with clean air, clearing all weather effects from the battlefield, and all status effects from this ‘mon that were inflicted by weather. New weather can’t be applied for sum rounds.

Bug. Status: Bind. Bound 'mon has its Attack bonus reduced to 0 and takes level bug damage when attacking. Save each round, end condition on success.
Strong vs. Grass, Psychic, Dark. Resist Grass, Fighting, Ground.
WING SLASH (Bug, Physical): Deal sum damage and cut target’s Attack by level.
VICIOUS STING (Bug, Physical): Deal sum damage plus damage equal to the target’s highest stat.
INFEST (Bug, Status): Infested ‘mon take level damage at the start of their turn plus 1 for each time they have been infested this battle, then save to clear status.
SHED SKIN (Bug, Maneuver): Restore this ‘mon’s stats to their original levels at the start of the battle (may keep up to dice stats at their current levels, if increased), then clear all status effects.
COMMUNE (Bug, Maneuver): Communicate with the hive, swapping out with another ‘mon which immediately gets to take its turn in place of this ‘mon’s.
WEB (Bug, Weather): Spew sticky webs all over the battlefield. At the start of each round, all non-Bug ‘mon save vs. Binding if they are not already bound. Expends the spent dice.

Poison. Status: Poisoned. Each round, take level poison damage, then save. On a success, take level poison damage again, then end the condition.
Strong vs. Grass, Fairy. Resist Grass, Fighting, Poison, Bug, Fairy.
DART VOLLEY (Poison, Physical): Make sum attacks; each deals level damage. If 2 or more hit, target is poisoned.
VENOM FANG (Poison, Status): Target is Poisoned. If already poisoned, they instead take sum+highest damage.
ACID SPRAY (Poison, Physical): Target takes sum+dice damage. Decrease their armor by dice for each status they’re suffering.
SLUDGE VOMIT (Poison, Status): Target saves vs. Poison dice times. Each poison status affects the target separately.
ANTIVENOM (Poison, Maneuver): Clear dice status effects affecting this ‘mon and gain immunity to those effects for the rest of the battle.
ACID RAIN (Poison, Weather): Summons smog and toxic rain. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, each ‘mon saves vs. Poison. On a 4-6, each ‘mon saves vs. Burning. Expends the spent dice.

Rock. Status: Entomb. Entombed 'mon automatically fails on all saves besides saves against this status. Save each round, condition ends on a successful save.
Strong vs. Fire, Ice, Ground, Bug. Resist Normal, Fire, Poison, Flying.
STALAGMITE (Rock, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. If the target is entombed, this automatically hits.
CRYSTALLIZE (Rock, Maneuver): Reduce damage dealt to this ‘mon by the next dice Physical attacks by this ‘mon’s Armor and increase the damage this ‘mon’s next dice attacks deal by this ‘mon’s Attack.
SUNDER (Rock, Physical/Utility): This ‘mon can shatter solid barriers with a single well-aimed strike. In combat, this move deals sum+dice+level damage.
AVALANCHE (Rock, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage and target saves vs. Entomb.
REFRACTOR BEAM (Rock, Status): +sum to Save Target. Target is blinded. Blinded ‘mon has Save and Attack cut to 0. Successful save ends blindness.
TAR FIELD (Rock, Weather): Melts the battlefield into a thick, molten tar. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, each ‘mon saves vs. Entomb. On a 4-6, each ‘mon saves vs. Burning. Expends the spent dice.

Ground. Status: Sandblast. Halve sandblasted 'mon's Armor Class. Save each round, end condition at the end of a round where the save is a success.
Strong vs. Fire, Electric, Ground, Rock, Steel. Resist Poison, Rock. Immune to Electric.
DRILL STRIKE (Ground, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage and kicks up dirt around the target, who saves vs. Sandblast.
BURROW (Ground, Movement): Burrow below the ground for up to the next dice rounds. Can't attack or be targeted by attacks while burrowing. When emerging from the earth, clear all status effects.
FISSURE (Ground, Status): Opens a fissure in the earth, entombing the target. Even if the target successfully saves, the fissure remains, and they save vs. Entomb again at the start of the next round.
SAND SPRAY (Ground, Status): Sandblast the target. If they’re already sandblasted, reduce their Armor to 0 instead of halving it again.
EARTHQUAKE (Ground, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. On a miss, still deals half damage. Hits burrowing targets.
SANDSTORM (Ground, Weather): Summons a cloud of whirling sand that engulfs the battlefield. At the start of each round, all combatants save vs. Sandblast if they aren’t already sandblasted.  Expends the spent dice.

Electric. Status: Paralyze. Save each round. On a failed save, skip turn and end the condition.
Strong vs. Water, Flying. Resist Electric, Flying, Steel.
BALL LIGHTNING (Electric, Physical): Deal sum damage. If this attack misses, the ball comes around for another pass at the start of the target’s next turn, and forces it to save vs. taking sum damage.
CHARGE WAVE (Electric, Status): Start charging this attack and release next turn. When released, deals sum damage and paralyzes (successful save only halves damage taken). While charging, may use this move again to add sum+dice to its total damage and delay release of wave until the following turn.
POLARIZE (Electric, Maneuver): Ionizes this ‘mon so it will discharge a bolt at anything that touches it. Enemies that deal damage to this ‘mon with a physical attack take sum damage (save for half). Discharges dice times.
FLASH (Electric, Status/Utility): Illuminates dark areas with a bright, reliable light. Can be used in combat to blind the target; blinded target has Save and Attack cut to 0. Successful save ends blindness.
LIGHTNING BOLT (Electric, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage and target saves vs. paralyze.
THUNDERHEAD (Electric, Weather): Summons a storm cloud across the battlefield. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, all combatants save vs. paralyze. On a 4-6, all combatants save vs. drench. Expends the spent dice.

Steel. Status: Trapped. Trapped 'mon can't switch out. Save each round, end condition on success.  
Strong vs. Ice, Rock, Fairy. Resist Normal, Grass, Ice, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Dragon, Steel, Fairy. Immune to Poison.
BLADE FLURRY (Steel, Physical): Make dice attacks that each deal highest damage.
TRAMPLE (Steel, Physical): Deal highest damage to the target, then deal that damage to the target again at the start of each of the next dice rounds.
CLAMP DOWN (Steel, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. Even if this attack misses, gain dice Armor.
STEELY GAZE (Steel, Status): Choose one of the rolled results from the following list to inflict (ex. if you roll a 1 and a 3, choose either Stagger or Confused): 1. Stagger, 2. Flinch, 3. Confused, 4. Trapped, 5. Entomb, 6. Crush.
REBAR SHOT (Steel, Physical): Deal sum damage and target saves vs. being Bound by being impaled on rebar.
CALTROPS (Steel, Weather): Covers the battlefield in spines of twisted iron. Whenever a ‘mon switches in that isn’t Steel-type, it saves vs. taking sum damage. Expends the spent dice.

Ice. Status: Freeze. Frozen 'mon can't use damaging attacks or moves. Save each round, end condition on success.
Strong vs. Grass, Ground, Flying, Dragon. Resist Ice.
FROST DIVE (Ice, Status): Freezes the target. If they’re already frozen, shatter them, dealing sum+highest damage.
HAIL STRIKE (Ice, Physical): Make sum attacks. Each deals damage equal to this ‘mon’s Attack.
FROSTBITE (Ice, Status): Target’s blood freezes in its veins. It takes sum damage each time it uses a Status attack until it saves against this effect.
ICE OVER (Ice, Status): Target is frozen. While it’s frozen, it takes an additional sum damage from all physical hits.
AURORA (Ice, Weather): Summons an electromagnetic disturbance that haloes the battlefield in rainbow light. All physical attacks in the aurora deal damage with disadvantage. Expends the spent dice.
BLIZZARD (Ice, Weather): Summons a storm that buries the battlefield in snow and ice. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, each combatant saves vs. freeze. On a 4-6, each combatant saves vs. entomb. Expends the spent dice.

Fighting. Status: Stagger. Staggered 'mon loses access to a Power Die. Save each round, end condition on success. 'Mon may skip turn to remove this condition.
Strong vs. Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, Dark. Resist Bug, Rock, Dark.
TOSS (Fighting, Status): Target is Staggered and Knocked Down. Same save ends both.
PRACTICED STRIKE (Fighting, Physical): Deal sum+Attack damage.
GRAPPLE (Fighting, Status): Target is Staggered and Bound. Same save ends both.
HEADBUTT (Fighting, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage and target saves vs. Stagger.
SWAP GUARD (Fighting, Maneuver): Swap this ‘mon’s Attack and Armor. For each expended die, gain +dice to each.
LAST CHANCE (Fighting, Physical): Deal damage equal to the amount of health this ‘mon is missing. Can’t deal more than level * dice * sum damage.

Psychic. Status: Confused. Save each round. On a failed save, deal attack damage to self (modified by own strengths and resistances) and end this condition.
Strong vs. Fighting, Poison. Resist Fighting, Psychic.
LULLABY (Psychic, Status): Target falls asleep. A sleeping 'mon can't use moves. Wakes on save or when switched out.
LOBOTOMIZE (Psychic, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. This can’t be healed from during combat, as it’s entirely mental.
KINESIS STRIKE (Psychic, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage and target saves vs. Confusion.
TELEPORT (Psychic, Status/Utility): This ‘mon can teleport to points within its line of sight, allowing it to cross otherwise impenetrable barriers. When used in combat, this move has +sum to Save Target, and confuses the target.
FORESEE (Psychic, Status): Secretly write down a move. When the enemy makes it, they must save or take sum+highest damage.
BRAINSTORM (Psychic, Weather): Induces a neural storm that telepathically links all combatants, giving the unprepared splitting migraines. At the start of each round, all non-Psychic type ‘mon save vs. Confusion. Expends the spent dice.

Dark. Status: Flinch. Flinching 'mon can't make basic attacks next turn.
Strong vs. Psychic, Rock. Resist Ghost, Dark. Immune to Psychic.
DARK DASH (Dark, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage and target saves vs. Flinch.
FIGHT DIRTY (Dark, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage plus damage equal to the target’s Attack.
FEINT (Dark, Status): Target automatically fails this save, and then chooses Armor or Save. They reduce that stat by sum until they’re next hit by an attack or fail a save.
REVENGE (Dark, Physical): Deal sum damage plus the amount of damage last dealt to this ‘mon by an attack.
DRAIN LIFE (Dark, Status): Drain the target.
FOG OF WAR (Dark, Weather): Darkens the battlefield with a haze of pure fear. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, all combatants save vs. stagger. On a 4-6, all combatants save vs. flinch. Expends the spent dice.

Ghost. Status: Curse. Whenever a cursed 'mon deals damage, it takes that much Ghost-type damage. Save each round, end condition on success.
Strong vs. Psychic, Ghost. Resist Poison, Bug. Immune to Normal, Fighting.
GHASTLY CHARGE (Ghost, Physical): Deal sum damage and Knockdown target.
HEX (Ghost, Status): +sum to Save Target. Curse the target.
ILLUSION (Ghost, Status): +sum to Save Target. Choose a type. Until target makes a save against this effect, all this ‘mon’s moves count as that type against the target.
SOUL REAVE (Ghost, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage and target saves vs their choice of either Flinch or Drain.
INTANGIBLE (Ghost, Maneuver): Treat enemy Physical attacks as Status attacks instead for sum rounds (instead of them making a roll with their Attack against your ‘mon’s Armor, your ‘mon makes a Save against their Save Target).
POLTERGEIST (Ghost, Weather): At the start of each round, roll dice d6s and choose one of them. Each non-Ghost-type ‘mon saves vs. the condition with the chosen number: 1. Knockdown, 2. Bound, 3. Drench, 4. Paralyzed, 5. Sandblast, 6. Curse. Expends the spent dice.

Dragon. Status: Crush. Crushed 'mon's AC becomes equal to its Armor next round (instead of 10+Armor).
Strong vs. Dragon. Resist Fire, Water, Grass, Electric.
BALEFIRE BLAST (Dragon, Physical): Deal sum+dice+lowest damage and they save vs. Burning.
DRAGON CRUNCH (Dragon, Status): Crush the target. They take damage equal to the amount their Armor is decreased this way. Must spend a minimum of 2 PD on this move.
ENRAGE (Dragon, Maneuver): Roll your next sum damage dice for physical attacks with advantage (roll twice, take higher).
DRAGON’S MAJESTY (Dragon, Status): Crush the target. Gain +sum Attack while they’re crushed.
ARMOR BREAKER (Dragon, Physical): Deal sum damage and cut target’s AC by sum. Successful save returns armor.
DEVASTATE (Dragon, Physical): Deal sum+dice+level+highest+lowest damage. Expend all dice spent on this ability regardless of result.

Fairy. Status: Charm. Charmed 'mon can't use damaging moves on the charmer. Save each round, end condition on success. Condition ends if charmer deals damage to charmed 'mon.
Strong vs. Fighting, Ghost, DragonResist Fighting, Bug, Dark. Immune to Dragon.
FAIRY FIRE (Fairy, Status): If target is charmed, they automatically fail save. Deal sum damage and Confuse the target.
ENTHRALL (Fairy, Status): +sum to Save Target. Charm the target.
BRIGHT FLASH (Fairy, Status): Inflict Charm and Trapped. Same save ends both conditions.
BETRAYAL (Fairy, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. Deals double damage if the target is charmed.
STAR LANCE (Fairy, Physical): Deal sum+sum damage. Skip this ‘mon’s next turn.
FAE REALM (Fairy, Weather): Drag the battlefield into a surreal otherworld. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, all combatants save vs. charm. On a 4-6, all combatants save vs. crush. Expends the spent dice.

The following are the baselines I'm balancing around. Many are more effective than this, due to the associated type, the power level of the status effect, or because powerful moves are fun. Nothing has been playtested, it's all theory over here.
(Physical): Deal sum+dice damage and target saves vs. on-type Status.
(Physical): Deal sum damage, or a bunch more damage if a condition is met.
(Status): +sum to Save Target and inflict on-type Status.
(Status): Inflict off-type Status, or multiple statuses that are saved from together.
(Maneuver): Add +sum points to stats for a few turns.
(Maneuver): Add +level points to stats for the rest of the battle.
(Weather): Each round, everyone saves vs. status.

1 comment:

  1. Just need a way to randomize starting stats, and we can automate every step of a first-level mon.


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