Monday, May 3, 2021

LEGAMON: Cataclys Legadex Expanded

The Cataclys region is named for the Cataclysm, an event centuries ago that drove out the old-world invaders. It's a joyous day to remember, when legends rose and cities fell, and a week-long festival celebrating it marks the beginning of each new year. Each village and people from the Hema Flats to the Chalice Highlands, from the ridgewalkers of Mt. Colossus to the tech-nomads of Veyl, dance and feast and sing to remember the legendary legamon that brought forth disaster after disaster to the invaders. While the Cataclysm changed the very shape of the region, with immense collateral damage, it saved all the region's people and legamon from conquest and slavery.
by Surendra Rajawat
Now, centuries later, the Atlantis Corporation is a new invader - returning after generations of clouded memory and accumulated hubris. They have built a chrome and concrete gated city on an island in Ocul Bay, connected by bridge to the ruined Old City where their ancestors made their last futile stand against the Cataclysm. They have restarted the old work of their ancestors, and legamon grow fearful in response to their catch-patrols. Already, Atlantis ambassadors come bearing "gifts" for the fisher villages of the bay, the gruffherds of the highlands, and the Kohu who live in the shadow of the Old City, demanding access to the ruins in return - in order to reactivate them for their own ends.
by Surendra Rajawat
Entries from the original post have been re-numbered to fit a d100 table, and modified in certain respects to match new information. The final ten entries have been redacted in accordance with LEGENDARY protocol due to a lack of concrete information on their behaviors, appearance, and abilities.
#001: Elephruit, the Fruit Trunk Legamon (Grass). Level 1. Evolves into Mastoak. 
A tough, stocky legamon with fanlike leaves for ears and a long trunk covered in bark and branches. It loves berries, and can't wait until its trunk is in season to fruit. 
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 0 Speed, 4 Armor (14 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 0 Attack, 1 Power Die. 
Physical Attack: Grass. Status Attack: Grass (Drain). Ability: Gourmet. Regains level extra Health from heal effects. 
SEED CANNON (Grass, Physical): Make sum attacks against the target. Each attack that hits deals damage equal to the number of attacks that have hit so far (the first to hit deals 1, the second to hit deals 2, the third to hit deals 3, etc).
#002: Mastoak, the Bark Armor Legamon (Grass). Level 2. Evolves into Palangrove. 
Mastoak’s trunk oozes delicious sap that it uses to make every kind of plant palatable to its vast appetite. It needs to eat vast amounts of food each day to fuel its rapid growth. 
4 Hit Dice (20 Health), 0 Speed, 4 Armor (14 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 2 Attack, 2 Power Dice. 
Physical Attack: Grass. Status Attack: Grass (Drain). Ability: Gourmet. Regains level extra Health from heal effects. 
SEED CANNON (Grass, Physical): Make sum attacks against the target. Each attack that hits deals damage equal to the number of attacks that have hit so far (the first to hit deals 1, the second to hit deals 2, the third to hit deals 3, etc).
SAP BLAST (Grass, Status): Target is Bound. They automatically fail saves to remove it for dice rounds. When they shake off the status, they take highest damage. 
#003: Palangrove, the Iron Forest Legamon (Grass/Steel). Level 3.
This legamon has completed its metamorphosis and shed its final layer of wooden bark for natural iron armor. Its trunk branches out into multiple strong limbs, and the canopy of leaves on its back provides shelter for an entire ecosystem of smaller legamon who rely on it for defense and food.
6 Hit Dice (30 Health), 0 Speed, 7 Armor (17 Armor Class), 5 Save (15 Save Target), 2 Attack, 3 Power Dice. 
Physical Attack: Grass. Status Attack: Steel (Trapped). Ability: Gourmet. Regains level extra Health from heal effects.
SEED CANNON (Grass, Physical): Make sum attacks against the target. Each attack that hits deals damage equal to the number of attacks that have hit so far (the first to hit deals 1, the second to hit deals 2, the third to hit deals 3, etc).
SAP BLAST (Grass, Status): Target is Bound. They automatically fail saves to remove it for dice rounds. When they shake off the status, they take highest damage.
TRAMPLE (Steel, Physical): Deal highest damage to the target, then deal that damage to the target at the start of each of the next dice rounds.

#004: Scinder, the Fire Bellied Legamon (Fire). Level 1. Evolves into Scindwurm.
A slinky, scaled legamon that's warm to the touch. When it opens its mouth, it glows with fiery embers. Its short legs have thick claws for digging, and it likes to spend cold nights buried in sun-warmed dirt.
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 1 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 2 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Fire. Status Attack: Fire (Burning). Ability: Heated Body. 'mon that hit this ‘mon with physical attacks take level fire damage.
BURROW (Ground, Movement): Burrow below the ground for up to the next dice rounds. Can't attack or be targeted by attacks while burrowing. When emerging from the earth, clear all status effects.

#005: Scindwurm, the Burning Pit Legamon (Fire/Ground). Level 2. Evolves into Scinferno.
Its body has grown larger and heavier, though its legs remain short. It crawls on its belly when it surfaces, but it prefers the comfort of underground, using its internal furnace to melt its way through the rock.
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 2 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 2 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Ground. Status Attack: Fire (Burning). Ability: Heated Body. 'mon that hit this ‘mon with physical attacks take level fire damage.
BURROW (Ground, Movement): Burrow below the ground for up to the next dice rounds. Can't attack or be targeted by attacks while burrowing. When emerging from the earth, clear all status effects.
ERUPTION (Fire, Physical): Deal sum damage and target saves vs. burning. This attack can be used while burrowing, but using it ends the burrow immediately.

#006: Scinferno, the Sand Wyrm Legamon (Fire/Ground). Level 3.
This legamon has grown to vast size, its maw large enough to swallow cars whole. Its legs are now vestigial, and when it deigns to surface, it appears half above ground and half below. Some say they can burrow as far down as the world’s core, and the magma they drink fuels their perilously hot digestion.
5 Hit Dice (25 Health), 2 Speed, 3 Armor (13 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 4 Attack, 4 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Ground. Status Attack: Fire (Burning). Ability: Heated Body. 'mon that hit this ‘mon with physical attacks take level fire damage.
BURROW (Ground, Movement): Burrow below the ground for up to the next dice rounds. Can't attack or be targeted by attacks while burrowing. When emerging from the earth, clear all status effects.
ERUPTION (Fire, Physical): Deal sum damage and target saves vs. burning. This attack can be used while burrowing, but using it ends the burrow immediately.
DEVOUR (Normal, Physical): Engulfs the target, dealing highest damage, and then if they have fewer Health than this ‘mon they immediately make a save. If they fail, they’re devoured. This ‘mon’s attacks automatically hit devoured targets, and devoured targets can always attack this ‘mon regardless of other effects. Each round, devoured ‘mon save, and escape on a success.

#007: Jellobe, the Deep Thinker Legamon (Water). Level 1. Evolves into Zoalobe.
A globule of transparent aqua jelly with a pink brain visible inside. It elevates itself and walks around on five stubby tendrils of the same gel. The brain is small, but its many wrinkles reveal that it's highly intelligent.
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 2 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 0 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Water. Status Attack: Water (Drench). Ability: Forethought. +level Save in rounds it goes first.
LULLABY (Psychic, Status): Target falls asleep. A sleeping 'mon can't use moves. Wakes on save or when switched out.

#008: Zoalobe, the Frontal Lobe Legamon (Water/Psychic). Level 2. Evolves into Medusulus.
Zoalobe’s brain has many lobes, one controlling each of its tentacles. They’ve grown long and much stronger, especially when it ties them together to form two larger arms. It can now project its thoughts into the minds of others.
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 4 Speed, 1 Armor (11 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 0 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Water. Status Attack: Psychic (Confuse). Ability: Forethought. +level Save in rounds it goes first.
LULLABY (Psychic, Status): Target falls asleep. A sleeping 'mon can't use moves. Wakes on save or when switched out.
LOBOTOMIZE (Psychic, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. This can’t be healed from during combat, as it’s entirely mental.

#009: Medusulus, the High Cognition Legamon (Water/Psychic). Level 3.
Its brain has grown so much that it spills out into its tentacles. Protected by slimy gel, its tentacles have minds of their own, and often squabble amongst themselves for the main brain’s favor. The tentacles split at the ends, and these “hands” get into all sorts of trouble.
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 5 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 5 Save (15 Save Target), 0 Attack, 5 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Water. Status Attack: Psychic (Confuse). Ability: Forethought. +level Save in rounds it goes first.
LULLABY (Psychic, Status): Target falls asleep. A sleeping 'mon can't use moves. Wakes on save or when switched out.
LOBOTOMIZE (Psychic, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. This can’t be healed from during combat, as it’s entirely mental.
DROWN IN GOO (Water, Status): Target takes sum damage when switched out, and the ‘mon that switches in to replace it must save or take sum damage.

#010: Klissilk, the Silk Larva Legamon (Bug). Level 1. Evolves into Nulluna or Lushina.
This legamon is a small crawling thing that leaves a soft bright trail wherever it goes. One end has its face, the other end has an identical pattern to confuse predators – and researchers, who thought it had two heads until very recently.
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 0 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 0 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Bug. Status Attack: Bug (Bound). Ability: Sticky Trail. Attacks that hit also subtract level from enemy’s Speed.
FACE FLIP (Normal, Status): +sum to Save Target. Spins rapidly, showing both its faces to the enemy and Confusing it.

#011: Nulluna, the Smog Moth Legamon (Bug/Dark). Level 2.
Emerges from Klissilk in industrial areas or on the slopes of volcanoes where ash clouds the sky. It casts an ashen pallor all around, smog drifting off its wings endlessly.
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 0 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 4 Save (14 Save Target), 2 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Bug. Status Attack: Dark (Flinch). Ability: Smog Cloud. Cut enemy’s Speed by level while this ‘mon is active.
WING SLASH (Bug, Physical): Deal sum damage and cut their Attack by 1.
DARK DASH (Dark, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage and they save vs. Flinch.

#012: Lushina, the Moon Moth Legamon (Bug/Fairy). Level 2.
Emerges from Klissilk under a full moon on a cloudless night. The spots on its wings shine with the current phase of the moon, even during the day or when the moon is clouded over.
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 2 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 4 Save (14 Save Target), 0 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Bug. Status Attack: Fairy (Charm). Ability: Moon Reflection. Cut enemy’s Save by level while this ‘mon is active.
WING SLASH (Bug, Physical): Deal sum damage and cut their Attack by 1.
BRIGHT FLASH (Fairy, Status): Inflict Charm and Trapped. Same save ends both conditions.

#013: Chirpikeet, the Messenger Legamon (Flying). Level 1. Evolves into Hailcon.
Its song is never the same twice, leading people to believe that its language is many times more complicated than human speech. They are common companions of the indigenous peoples of the region, but considered pests by settlers.
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 1 Speed, 1 Armor (11 Armor Class), 1 Save (11 Save Target), 2 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Flying. Status Attack: Flying (Knockdown). Ability: Upbeat. Return Power Dice of 1-4 to the pool instead of 1-3.
STRIKE (Flying, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. If they’re knocked down, keep them knocked down next round as well.
#014: Hailcon, the Soaring Legamon (Flying/Ice). Level 2. Evolves into Paragrine.
Hailcon rides the thermals, gazing down on the region from high above. When they spot small prey, they dive, wreathing themselves in ice crystals from their sheer altitude and using them to devastating effect.
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 3 Speed, 1 Armor (11 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 3 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Ice. Status Attack: Flying (Knockdown). Ability: Upbeat. Return Power Dice of 1-4 to the pool instead of 1-3.
STRIKE (Flying, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. If they’re knocked down, keep them knocked down next round as well.
FROST DIVE (Ice, Status): Freezes the target. If they’re already frozen, instead shatter them, dealing sum+highest damage.
#015: Paragrine, the Sky Master Legamon (Flying/Ice). Level 3.
Paragrine rules the skies, faster and more accurate than any other legamon in the air. It can reach incredible speeds when it dives, and its strong wings let it lift its frozen prey back into the air to drop them from deadly heights.
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 6 Speed, 1 Armor (11 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 5 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Ice. Status Attack: Flying (Knockdown). Ability: Upbeat. Return Power Dice of 1-4 to the pool instead of 1-3.
STRIKE (Flying, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. If they’re knocked down, keep them knocked down next round as well.
FROST DIVE (Ice, Status): Freezes the target. If they’re already frozen, instead shatter them, dealing sum+highest damage.
FLY (Flying, Movement): Fly high in the air. Can carry trainers this way. A flying ‘mon becomes immune to attacks it normally resists. Can maintain flight in combat for sum rounds; ends when it uses or is hit by a Physical attack.
#016: Serpyne, the Venomous Legamon (Poison). Level 1. Evolves into Vydra.
This long, limbless legamon is covered in quills. Each is tipped with an incredibly virulent venom, and it can fire them like darts. Shed quills are collected, and made into both arrows and antivenom.
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 2 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 0 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Poison. Status Attack: Poison (Poisoned). Ability: Venomous Body. ‘mon that deal damage to this ‘mon with a physical attack must save vs. poisoned.
DART VOLLEY (Poison, Physical): Make sum attacks; each deals level damage. If 2 or more hit, target is poisoned. 

#017: Vydra, the Many Headed Legamon (Poison). Level 2.
Sometimes, a Serpyne’s quills grow large and become heads splitting away from the main body. These extra heads all have different ideas about what to do, but come together in a consensus quite quickly. Five heads are better than one!
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 2 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 5 Save (15 Save Target), 2 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Poison. Status Attack: Poison (Poisoned). Ability: Many Headed. If this ‘mon misses with the first move it makes in a turn, it can try to use another move afterwards.
DART VOLLEY (Poison, Physical): Make sum attacks; each deals level damage. If 2 or more hit, target is poisoned.
SLUDGE VOMIT (Poison, Status): Target is poisoned dice times. Each deals separate damage and is saved separately.

#018: Floresce, the Bright Petal Legamon (Grass). Level 1. 
This ‘mon lives among fields of brightly colored flowers, and its petals change color to match. While it can easily be mistaken for an overgrown flower itself, it eats the flowers around it to survive, and so takes on the qualities they evolved to survive in their local ecosystem. 
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 0 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 0 Attack, 2 Power Dice. 
Physical Attack: Grass. Status Attack: see Ability. Ability: Type Petals. This ‘mon’s Status Attack is linked to the color and Type of its petals. In addition, on a ‘mon’s first turn against this ‘mon in combat, it must save against that status effect or be afflicted. 
PETAL BARRAGE (Grass, Physical): Target takes sum damage and must save vs. this ‘mon’s Type Petals status.
#019: Isopage, the Many Legged Legamon (Bug). Level 1. Evolves into Centiknight.
This legamon’s many-segmented carapace protects its dozen fragile legs from harm. It can roll into a sphere to defend itself from its many, many predators. During spawning season, they swarm the forest floor in a chittering horde. 
2 Hit Dice (5 Health), 0 Speed, 4 Armor (14 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 0 Attack, 1 Power Die. 
Physical Attack:Bug. Status Attack: Bug (Bind). Ability: Roll Up. If this ‘mon hasn’t attacked yet this round, it gets +Armor to Save. 
SHED SKIN (Bug, Maneuver): Restore this ‘mon’s stats to their original levels at the start of the battle (may keep up to dice stats at their current levels, if increased), then clear all status effects. 
#020: Centiknight, the So Many Legged Legamon (Bug). Level 2. Evolves into Milliqueen. 
Centiknight has survived long enough as an Isopage to grow dozens more legs. They distend its carapace, and it stretches several times longer to accommodate the new limbs.It is ferocious and voracious, as its legs give it startling speed and it seeks anything as food to fuel its growth spurt – even Isopages, or other Centiknights.
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 2 Speed, 4 Armor (14 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 3 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack:Bug. Status Attack: Bug (Bind). Ability: Roll Out. If this ‘mon attacked last turn, it gets +Attack to Save. 
SHED SKIN (Bug, Maneuver): Restore this ‘mon’s stats to their original levels at the start of the battle (may keep up to dice stats at their current levels, if increased), then clear all status effects. 
BUG BITE (Bug, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. If this attack knocks out the enemy, heal sum+dice health.
#021: Milliqueen, the Too Many Legged Legamon (Bug). Level 3. 
When a Centiknight grows old enough – a rare feat in and of itself – it becomes the center of a new hive, defended by Centiknights, laying thousands of eggs that will hatch into new Isopages and begin a new spawning season. Like clockwork, these seasons mark the passage of the years in Iridesce Forest. 
6 Hit Dice (30 Health), 3 Speed, 6 Armor (16 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 3 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack:Bug. Status Attack: Bug (Bind). Ability: Hive Queen. Immune to Bug-type moves. 
SHED SKIN (Bug, Maneuver): Restore this ‘mon’s stats to their original levels at the start of the battle (may keep up to dice stats at their current levels, if increased), then clear all status effects. 
BUG BITE (Bug, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. If this attack knocks out the enemy, heal sum+dice health. 
SUMMON SWARM (Bug, Maneuver): Swap out this ‘mon with dice other bug ‘mon in your party for this turn. Each can use a move. Spend dice rolled for this move instead of Power Dice for any special moves the other ‘mon use. Once each has used a move, return them to your party and bring back Milliqueen.
by Le Yamamura
#022: Rundeer, the Charging Legamon (Normal). Level 1. Evolves into Moostler.
Its antlers are covered in soft velvet, so it seems harmless, but the true danger is from its iron-hard hooves. They travel in herds, and cocky predators find themselves crushed beneath their prey in short order.
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 2 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 2 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Normal. Status Attack: Normal (Taunt). Ability: Herd Defense. After it switches in, gets +level to Save and Armor against the next attack that targets it. After it switches out, replacing ‘mon gets same bonus.
TRAMPLE (Steel, Physical): Deal highest damage to the target, then deal that damage to the target at the start of each of the next dice rounds.

#023: Moostler, the Giga Antler Legamon (Normal). Level 2.
Reports of its size never do it justice. No matter how big you’ve been told it is, it’s bigger than that. Despite being herbivorous, they are a constant danger, using their broad antlers to lift and flip cars – seemingly for fun.
4 Hit Dice (20 Health), 2 Speed, 1 Armor (11 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 4 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Normal. Status Attack: Normal (Taunt). Ability: Herd Defense. After it switches in, gets +level to Save and Armor against the next attack that targets it. After it switches out, replacing ‘mon gets same bonus.
TRAMPLE (Steel, Physical): Deal highest damage to the target, then deal that damage to the target at the start of each of the next dice rounds.
ANTLER SUPLEX (Normal, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage to the target. If this attack hits, also inflict Knockdown.
#024: Gruffle, the Ram Horn Legamon (Normal). Level 1. 
Flocks of Gruffle roam the Chalice Highlands, trimming the grass to a perfectly even height. They ram their heads into each other as a display of prowess, and don’t back down until one has been thrown to the ground – even if it’s by the force of its own strikes. 
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 1 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 1 Attack, 1 Power Die. 
Physical Attack: Normal. Status Attack: Normal (Taunt). Ability: Sure Footed. Immune to Stagger, Knockdown, and Flinch. 
RAM (Normal, Physical): Deal sum+sum damage and target saves vs. Knockdown. Take sum damage if this attack hits.
by GlitchyBunny
#025: Beaglisk, the Sheperd Legamon (Normal/Dragon). Level 1. Evolves into Retrievyrn.
A serpentine legamon with a long, spined tail, four stocky, powerful legs; furred in its front half and scaly in the rear. Its powerful jaws and ferocious visage bely its eager, puppy-like desire to please - and how little it knows about its own size and strength.
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 2 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 0 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Dragon. Status Attack: Normal (Taunt). Ability: Eager. Can use an extra move on the first turn of battle.
HERD (Normal, Status): +sum to Save Target. Target is forced to repeat the same action they took most recently until they save against this effect (at the normal Save Target). If they did nothing, they do nothing.

#026: Retrievyrn, the Basilisk Legamon (Normal/Dragon). Level 2.
Retrievyrn has learned its own strength, but has grown even larger and beast-like. It’s grown more eyes, four more legs, and gathers petrifying power in its maw. This helps it greatly when it needs to bring back strays from the flock.
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 2 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 0 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Dragon. Status Attack: Normal (Taunt). Ability: Eager. Can use an extra move on the first turn of battle.
HERD (Normal, Status): +sum to Save Target. Target is forced to repeat the same action they took most recently until they save against this effect (at the normal Save Target).

If they did nothing, they do nothing.
PETRIFYING GAZE (Dragon, Status): +sum to Save Target. Freeze the target.

#027: Cordycol, the Rainbow Ant Legamon (Bug). Level 1. Evolves into Voraceps.
This antlike species of legamon has been domesticated for millennia. The base form is now brightly colored, incredibly docile, and much larger than its ancient feral progenitors. Different breeds are selected for their specific coloration and unique shapes.
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 0 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 0 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Bug. Status Attack: Bug (Bound). Ability: Dazzling. At the end of a turn where this ‘mon doesn’t attack, it gets +level Armor and +level Save until the start of its next turn.
CURL UP (Normal, Maneuver): Get +sum armor until next damaged or until this ‘mon next attacks.

#028: Voraceps, the Fungal Infection Legamon (Bug/Poison). Level 2.
Cordycol were first domesticated through the implantation of a parasitic fungus that takes over the brain stem. When they're deemed large enough for battle, the fungus is implanted and turns the gentle giant into a voracious combat monster, wielding puffs of fungus to temporarily confuse and control its enemies.
4 Hit Dice (20 Health), 2 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 3 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Bug. Status Attack: Poison (Poisoned). Ability: Infectious. ‘mon affected by this ‘mon’s Poisonous status are also Confused.
CURL UP (Normal, Maneuver): Get +sum armor until next damaged or until this ‘mon next attacks.
FUNGAL MADNESS (Poison, Physical): Deal sum damage. Enemy may choose to take half sum damage and become poisoned instead.
#029: Skrundle, the Toxic Spray Legamon (Normal/Poison). Level 1. 
Skrundle might seem placid at first, but trying to touch it without its permission invites a smelly surprise. Its toxic spray is surprisingly hard to remove, and every family has their own folk remedy that they swear by. 
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 1 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 0 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack:Normal. Status Attack: Poison (Poisoned). Ability: Sticky Toxin. ‘mon affected by this ‘mon’s Poison status effects always fail their first save. 
ACID SPRAY (Poison, Physical): Target takes sum+dice damage. Decrease their armor by dice for each status they’re suffering. 
#030: Racceteer, the Unscrupulous Legamon (Normal/Dark). Level 1. 
Racceteer is very intelligent and knows exactly what it wants: other people’s things. Its opposable thumbs let it get itself into all sorts of trouble, and then quickly back out again with whatever it’s pilfered. 
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 3 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 2 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack:Normal. Status Attack: Dark (Flinch). Ability: Thief. When this ‘mon hits its target with a physical attack, it steals an item it’s holdingto replace its own. 
FIGHT DIRTY (Dark, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage plus damage equal to the target’s Attack.  
#031: Impossumble, the Improbable Legamon (Normal/Fairy). Level 1.
Impossumble is small, feisty, and always has another trick up its… sleeve? If it had sleeves, it would. You can always find them in the last place you’d expect, grinning up at you with a face so adorable you’ll never see how many of your things it’s crammed into its marsupial pockets. 
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 2 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 0 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack:Normal. Status Attack: Fairy (Charm). Ability: Pockets. This ‘mon can hold two items at once. 
ENTHRALL (Fairy, Status): +sum to Save Target. Charm the target.
#032: Clingrowth, the Rapid Growth Legamon (Grass). Level 2. Evolves into Kudzilla.
This legamon is made of spiky vines that never seem to stop writhing. Sometimes they roughly mimic the shapes of other legamon, but never hold that form for long.
4 Hit Dice (10 Health), 1 Speed, 3 Armor (13 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 4 Attack, 2 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Grass. Status Attack: Grass (Drain). Ability: Voracious. Add Attack to damage dealt by physical special moves.
VINE LASH (Grass, Physical): Deal sum damage. Target saves vs. knockdown.
TAKE ROOT (Grass, Maneuver): Gain +dice Armor and reduce damage from the next dice physical attacks by +sum.

#033: Kudzilla, the Monster Vine Legamon (Grass). Level 3.
The writhing vines have finally settled on a gigantic, terrifying form. Its leafy maw collects solar radiation and re-emits it as a blast of searing atomic light.
6 Hit Dice (30 Health), 1 Speed, 5 Armor (15 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 5 Attack, 4 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Grass. Status Attack: Grass (Drain). Ability: Voracious. Add Attack to damage dealt by physical special moves.
VINE LASH (Grass, Physical): Deal sum damage. Target saves vs. knockdown.
TAKE ROOT (Grass, Maneuver): Gain +dice Armor and reduce damage from the next dice physical attacks by +sum.
SOLAR BEAM (Grass, Physical): Deal sum+sum damage. If the attack misses, it still deals sum damage. Expend all Power Dice used on this move, regardless of their value.
#034: Crystacean, the Sharp Edged Legamon (Rock). Level 1. Evolves into Paguranite.
This crablike legamon is made of oily, rainbow crystal. Its edges are sharply angled, and everywhere it turns there’s another corner to cut yourself on.
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 0 Speed, 3 Armor (13 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 0 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Rock. Status Attack: Rock (Entomb). Ability:
Tough Shell. Whenever this ‘mon hits with a physical attack, it gets +1 Armor until the end of the battle.
STALAGMITE (Rock, Physical): Deal sum damage. If the target is entombed, this automatically hits.
#035: Paguranite, the Shell Trader Legamon (Rock). Level 2. Evolves into Titanicrab. 
As a Crystacean grows, it cuts itself new shells from different types of rock. When it outgrows one, it will trade it to another in exchange for new shells of different materials, or access to a quarry where it can make a bigger one. The informal networks of this trade are complex and nuanced, and Paguranite are highly social as a result. 
4 Hit Dice (20 Health), 0 Speed, 5 Armor (15 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 0 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack:Rock. Status Attack: Rock (Entomb). Ability: Tough Shell. Whenever this ‘mon hits with a physical attack, it gets +1 Armor until the end of the battle.
STALAGMITE (Rock, Physical): Deal sum damage. If the target is entombed, this automatically hits.  
SHELL SHOCK (Rock, Status): +sum to Save Target. Smash into the target, Entombing them and dealing Armor damage. Expends the Power Die no matter its result.
 #036: Titanicrab, the Shelterback Legamon (Rock). Level 3.  
There is an upper limit on the growth of Paguranite, and once it’s reached that size, it quarries itself a truly massive shell that qualifies as both a living space and a work of art. Other smaller legamon nest inside Titanicrabs, creating found families that share food, shelter, and protection. 
6 Hit Dice (30 Health), 0 Speed, 8 Armor (18 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 0 Attack, 4 Power Dice.
Physical Attack:Rock. Status Attack: Rock (Entomb). Ability: Tough Shell. Whenever this ‘mon hits with a physical attack, it gets +1 Armor until the end of the battle. 
STALAGMITE (Rock, Physical):Deal sum damage. If the target is entombed, this automatically hits.  
SHELL SHOCK (Rock, Status): +sum to Save Target. Smash into the target, Entombing them and dealing Armor damage. Expends the Power Die no matter its result.  
BUNKER DOWN (Rock, Maneuver): Titanicrab retracts inside its shell, which has plenty of room for other ‘mon. Send out another ‘mon from your party to fight, for dice rounds. It uses Titanicrab’s Armor and Save instead of its own.
by Hua Teo
#037: Silecret, the Dessicant Legamon (Ground). Level 1.
It hides under a mass of salt. No one has seen its true form, though the withered arms that poke out of the pile reveal that whatever it is, it’s dehydrated and apparently okay with that.
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 0 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 0 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Ground. Status Attack: Ground (Sandblast). Ability: Salty. When this ‘mon is KO’d, it gets to make one final attack in response.
SALT THE EARTH (Ground, Weather): Scatter piles of salt across the battlefield so nothing can grow. Water and grass moves deal sum damage to their users (save for half). This expends the spent die.
#038: Sparrowl, the Swift Wing Legamon (Flying). Level 1. Evolves into Prowowl. 
Sparrowls soar from branch to branch, seeking small prey like Gratts or Chirpikeet to snatch up and devour. It strikes before its prey can notice it’s coming. 
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 3 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 2 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack:Flying. Status Attack: Flying (Knockdown). Ability: Stealthy. The first Physical attack against this ‘mon each battle automatically misses. 
CLAW GRAB (Flying, Physical): Deal Attack damage and target is Bound. If target is already Bound, drop them and deal an additional sum damage instead.  
#039: Prowowl, the Silent Wing Legamon (Flying). Level 2. 
This legamon can turn its head around a full 360 degrees, giving it unparalleled sight of both the sky and the ground. Because its flight is completely silent, it’s an apex predator at night. 
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 3 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 5 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Flying. Status Attack: Flying (Knockdown). Ability: Stealthy. The first Physical attack against this ‘mon each battle automatically misses. 
CLAW GRAB (Flying, Physical): Deal Attack damage and target is Bound. If target is already Bound, drop them and deal an additional sum damage instead.  
SKY DANCE (Flying, Maneuver): Gain +sum points to divide between Armor and Save as you choose until the end of this 'mon's next turn.

#040: Anglerblitz, the Shocking Surprise Legamon (Electric). Level 1.
A bloated neon fish that's all sharp teeth and fluttering fins. It can concentrate its own light in its lure; becoming nearly invisible. When it's attracted its prey, it blasts it with a powerful shockwave. This is the female form - the male form is many times smaller, and merges with the female to act as a vestigial reproductive organ.
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 1 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 0 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Electric. Status Attack: Electric (Paralyze). Ability: Camo Charge. While charging an attack, this ‘mon gets +level to Armor and Save.
CHARGE WAVE (Electric, Status): Start charging this attack and release next turn. When released, deals sum damage and paralyzes (successful save avoids paralyze, halves damage). While charging, may use this move again to add sum+dice to its total damage and delay release of wave until the following turn.
#041: Eelit, the Long Jaw Legamon (Water). Level 1. Evolves into Arteray.
Eelit hides in wrecks and caves underwater, then strikes at its prey so fast it generates a vacuum that collapses and creates a shockwave. Its jaw can open to reveal a tongue with a smaller, fiercer jaw on the end. 
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 0 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 2 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack:Water. Status Attack: Water (Drench). Ability: Ambush. Always takes the first turn in round 1. 
WATER HAMMER (Water, Physical): Deal level+dice damage and target is drenched and staggered.  
#042: Arteray, the Blood Seeking Legamon (Water). Level 2. 
This elongated legamon can smell even a single drop of blood spilled in the water from a kilometre away. It slowly stalks its wounded prey, then uses its whip-like body to stun it and its double-jaw to efficiently finish the job. 
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 2 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 5 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack:Water. Status Attack: Water (Drench). Ability: Ambush. Always takes the first turn in round 1. 
WATER HAMMER (Water, Physical): Deal level+dice damage and target is drenched and staggered.  
RIPJAW (Dark, Physical): Deal sum damage and cut target’s Armor by dice. 
#043: Sabrance, the Slashing Legamon (Fighting). Level 1.
A bipedal legamon with long slashing forearms and a bright crest. Duels paired with a Epearry to hone their skills.
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 2 Speed, 1 Armor (11 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 2 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Fighting. Status Attack: Fighting (Stagger). Ability: Combo. After hitting with a physical attack, get +level attack and -level armor until end of next turn.
SABRE SLASH (Fighting, Physical): Deals sum damage, or sum+highest damage if this ‘mon hit the target with a physical attack last round.

#044: Epearry, the Parrying Legamon (Fighting). Level 1.
A bipedal legamon with quick needle-like forearms and a bright crest. Duels paired with a Sabrance to hone their skills.
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 2 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 1 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Fighting. Status Attack: Fighting (Stagger). Ability: Careful. Can choose to go second in any round.
EPEE RIPOSTE (Fighting, Physical): Deals sum damage, or sum+highest damage if this ‘mon has been missed by an attack or successfully made a save this round.

#045: Swordoom, the Haunted Blade Legamon (Ghost). Level 1. Evolves into Armoreck.
This legamon is made of the fallen weapons of a bloody battle, given life by the sorrow of the deaths of thousands. The eyes of the dead can be seen in the dark red haze that animates their chipped and sundered blades.
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 1 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 3 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Ghost. Status Attack: Ghost (Curse). Ability: On Guard. On a turn when it hasn’t attacked yet, add this ‘mon’s Attack to its Armor.
BLADE FLURRY (Steel, Physical): Make dice attacks that each deal highest damage.

#046: Armoreck, the Battlefield Scavenger Legamon (Ghost/Steel). Level 2.
When Swordoom evolves, it dons a patchwork platemail and takes a rough, headless humanoid form. It stands one and a half times a human’s height and just as broad, wielding a halberd in one hand and the banner of the dead in the other.
4 Hit Die (20 Health), 1 Speed, 3 Armor (13 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 3 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Ghost. Status Attack: Steel (Trapped). Ability: On Guard. On a turn when it hasn’t attacked yet, add this ‘mon’s Attack to its Armor.
BLADE FLURRY (Steel, Physical): Make dice attacks that each deal highest damage.
GHASTLY CHARGE (Ghost, Physical): Deal sum damage and knock down target.

#047: Candlight, the Flickering Legamon (Fire). Level 1. Evolves into Willowisp.
Many consider this disembodied flame the purest manifestation of the Fire type, and regard it with a near-saintly reverence. In the darkest nights, Candlights form circles in fields, and leave a scorched pattern in their wake. No one has yet managed to decode the significance of these patterns – if such significance even exists.
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 1 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 0 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Fire. Status Attack: Fire (Burning). Ability: Blazing Body. ‘mon that hit this ‘mon with a physical attack save vs burning.
FLAME WHEEL (Fire, Status): +sum to Save Target. Burn the target, then deal level+1 damage for each burn status affecting the target.

#048: Willowisp, the Guiding Light Legamon (Fire/Fairy). Level 2.
Candlight grow to immense brightness in the depths of Iridesce Forest, though their size remains as small as ever. Their unique paracolored lighting draws observers to inadvertently follow, into places they won’t return from unscathed.
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 2 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 7 Save (17 Save Target), 0 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Fire. Status Attack: Fairy (Charm). Ability: Blazing Body. ‘mon that hit this ‘mon with a physical attack save vs burning.
FLAME WHEEL (Fire, Status): +sum to Save Target. Burn the target, then deal level+1 damage for each burn status affecting the target.
FAIRY FIRE (Fairy, Status): If target is charmed, they automatically fail save. Deal sum damage and confuse the target.

#049: Faeker, the Welcoming Legamon (Fairy). Level 2.
Lurks in the woods, waiting for intruders to stumble upon its display of delicacies. Once they partake and it gets their trust, it turns them into its next meal – and the parts it doesn’t eat become part of the next display. Its eight legs and eight eyes unnerve intruders, so it hides most of them until its prey have cottoned on. 
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 0 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 4 Save (14 Save Target), 4 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack:Fairy. Status Attack: Fairy (Charm). Ability: Hospitality. Charmed ‘mon go after this ‘mon regardless of speed. 
YOU EAT, YOU STAY (Fairy, Status): If the target fails the save, they’re Charmed. If the target passes the save, they take sum damage. They can choose to fail the save.  
BETRAYAL (Fairy, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. Deals double damage if the target is Charmed. 
#050: Koboar, the Tunneling Legamon (Ground). Level 1. Evolves into Morboar.  
Uses its broad, spade-shaped tusks to dislodge earth and loose rocks. Groups of Koboar congregate around outcroppings of rare minerals they dig up this way to perform mating displays; the shinier the mineral the better.
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 0 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 2 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack:Ground. Status Attack: Ground (Sandblast). Ability: Tunneler. Can make Physical attacks while Burrowing. This ends the burrow and deals +Attack damage. 
BURROW (Ground, Movement): Burrow below the ground for up to the next dice rounds. Can't attack or be targeted by attacks while burrowing. When emerging from the earth, clear all status effects.  
#051: Morboar, the Deep Grunt Legamon (Ground). Level 2. 
Morboar dig even deeper with their rotating spiral tusks, hunting down precious metals and grunting excitedly whenever they find them. Hearing the resonating sound of a Morboar deep below the surface is solid evidence that there’s a seam of something shiny nearby. 
6 Hit Dice (30 Health), 0 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 3 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack:Ground. Status Attack: Ground (Sandblast). Ability: Tunneler. Can make Physical attacks while Burrowing. This ends the burrow and deals +Attack damage. 
BURROW (Ground, Movement): Burrow below the ground for up to the next dice rounds. Can't attack or be targeted by attacks while burrowing. When emerging from the earth, clear all status effects.  
DRILL STRIKE (Ground, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage and kicks up dirt around the target, who saves vs. Sandblast.

#052: Korale, the Dreamsong Legamon (Psychic). Level 1. Evolves into Dorminuen.
The beautiful song of this ethereal legamon puts those who hear it into a deep slumber. Their dreams are incredible, but on waking find themselves drained and unrested, as Korale feeds on their delta brainwaves.
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 0 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 0 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Psychic. Status Attack: Psychic (Confuse). Ability: Dream Leech. Drains level health per turn from sleeping ‘mon.
LULLABY (Psychic, Status): Target falls asleep. A sleeping 'mon can't use moves. Wakes on save or when switched out.
#053: Dorminuen, the Peaceful Night Legamon (Psychic). Level 2. Evolves into Reveria or Nocturnale. 
Dorminuen travel in groups called choruses, singing entire herds of other legamon to sleep. Their haunting harmonies can be heard for miles around, and travelers have learned to avoid their migration routes so they aren’t struck by accidental naps. 
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 0 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 5 Save (15 Save Target), 0 Attack, 4 Power Dice.
Physical Attack:Psychic. Status Attack: Psychic (Confuse). Ability: Dream Leech. Drains level health per turn from sleeping ‘mon. 
LULLABY (Psychic, Status): Target falls asleep. A sleeping 'mon can't use moves. Wakes on save or when switched out.  
SOPORIFIC (Psychic, Status): Target is confused. If they’re already confused, they fall asleep. If they’re already asleep, they take sum damage. 
#054: Reveria, the Dreamscape Legamon (Psychic). Level 3.  
Dreams of a Reveria are common across the Veyl Desert. This legamon can use its formidable psychic abilities to enter others’ dreams, and alter what it sees there. It doesn’t understand what’s going on in the dreams of humans, though, so its alterations make dreams even more nonsensical than they already are. 
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 3 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 7 Save (17 Save Target), 0 Attack, 5 Power Dice.
Physical Attack:Psychic. Status Attack: Psychic (Confuse). Ability: Dream Leech. Drains level health per turn from sleeping ‘mon. 
LULLABY (Psychic, Status): Target falls asleep. A sleeping 'mon can't use moves. Wakes on save or when switched out.  
SOPORIFIC (Psychic, Status): Target is confused. If they’re already confused, they fall asleep. If they’re already asleep, they take sum damage. 
DREAMSHAPE (Psychic, Physical): Reveria steps into the target’s unconscious, dealing sum+sum damage to a sleeping ‘mon or a ‘mon that switched out this battle while asleep.  
#055: Nocturnale, the Nightmare Chorus Legamon (Psychic/Dark). Level 3. 
When a Dorminuen is abandoned by its chorus, it must change its feeding habits to sustain itself. Rather than drain passively from a sleeping crowd, it learns how to take as much life force as possible from one hapless victim, ensuring that they don’t wake up until it drinks its fill. A Nocturnale’s song is full of eerie minor keys and keening cries, harmonizing with itself from its many mouths. 
4 Hit Dice (20 Health), 0 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 5 Save (15 Save Target), 4 Attack, 5 Power Dice.
Physical Attack:Dark. Status Attack: Psychic (Confuse). Ability: Dream Nail. Whenever this ‘mon inflicts Sleep, it also inflicts Trapped. Same save ends both conditions. 
LULLABY (Psychic, Status): Target falls asleep. A sleeping 'mon can't use moves. Wakes on save or when switched out.  
SOPORIFIC (Psychic, Status): Target is confused. If they’re already confused, they fall asleep. If they’re already asleep, they take sum damage. 
SLEEP FOREVER (Dark, Physical): Deal sum damage to a sleeping target, regain sum Health, and inflict Drain (waking up ends the Drain).
#056: Geisticle, the Icicle Legamon (Ghost/Ice). Level 1.
The spirit of a fallen Legamon, frozen to death on the side of the never-summited Mt. Colossus. It haunts the slopes, ambushing foolhardy climbers in the hopes of making more Geisticles.
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 0 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 1 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Ice. Status Attack: Ghost (Curse). Ability: Ambush. Always takes the first turn in round 1.
FROSTBITE (Ice, Status): Target’s blood freezes in its veins. It's unable to use Status attacks without taking sum ice damage until it saves against this effect.

#057: Bunkit, the Defensive Legamon (Steel/Electric). Level 1. Evolves into Pallasade.
A catlike legamon that hides in layers upon layers of fluffy steel fur. It can charge up its fur to harden it into armor plating, which prevents it from moving but also protects it from most kinds of harm.
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 0 Speed, 3 Armor (13 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 0 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Steel. Status Attack: Electric (Paralyze). Ability: Shock Discharge. When hit with a physical attack, hitting ‘mon saves vs. Paralyze. Works level times per battle.
CHARGE FUR (Electric, Maneuver): Gain sum Armor until the end of next round.

#058: Pallasade, the Immovable Legamon (Steel/Electric). Level 2.
Pallasade has grown fluffier than ever before. It can extend its fur like pylons or ropes, attaching to nearby supports or burrowing them deep within the earth to resist being moved.
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 0 Speed, 5 Armor (15 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 0 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Steel. Status Attack: Electric (Paralyze). Ability: Shock Discharge. When hit with a physical attack, hitting ‘mon saves vs. Paralyze. Works level times per battle.
CHARGE FUR (Electric, Maneuver): Gain sum Armor until the end of next round.
CLAMP DOWN (Steel, Physical): Deal sum damage. Even if this attack misses, gain dice Armor.
#059: Pyroil, the Fire Eater Legamon (Fire). Level 1. Evolves into Pyrannic. 
This small, round legamon drinks tar from the Hema Flats and can vomit it back out as burning volleys of ash. They metabolize their fuel into a potent fertilizer, so long as they aren’t disturbed – their digestion is highly volatile. 
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 0 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 1 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Fire. Status Attack: Fire (Burning). Ability: Volatile. When KO’d, roll all this ‘mon’s remaining Power Dice.Deal that much damage to the attacker and they save vs. Burn. 
OVERHEAT (Fire, Status): Burn the target, and they automatically fail their next level+dice saves against this burn.
#060: Pyrannic, the Fire Tyrant Legamon (Fire). Level 3. 
When enough Pyroil gather together, the sheer heat melts them together into a titanic legamon. Pyrannic are territorial in the extreme, assuming anything within their sight is a challenge to their absolute rule over the area they’ve claimed as their own. 
5 Hit Dice (25 Health), 0 Speed, 5 Armor (15 Armor Class), 5 Save (15 Save Target), 2 Attack, 4 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Fire. Status Attack: Fire (Burning). Ability: Volatile. When KO’d, roll all this ‘mon’s remaining Power Dice.Deal that much damage to the attacker and they save vs. Burn. 
OVERHEAT (Fire, Status): Burn the target, and they automatically fail their next level+dice saves against this burn.  
CAUTERIZE (Fire, Physical): Deal sum damage, plus an additional dice+1 damage for each status condition affecting the target, then remove all status conditions affecting the target. 
TAR FIELD (Rock, Weather): Melts the battlefield into a thick, molten tar. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, each ‘mon saves vs. Entomb. On a 4-6, each ‘mon saves vs. Burning. Expends the spent dice.
by Smiley-Fakemon
061: Dugratt, the Underfoot Legamon (Ground). Level 1. Evolves into Kingratt. 
Small, ubiquitous, and annoying. Dugratt are a persistent construction hazard, as they habitually gnaw through foundations and woodwork to make their colonies. If you don’t check your floorboards regularly, someday you’ll fall into a Dugratt nest.  
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 2 Speed, 1 Armor (11 Armor Class), 1 Save (11 Save Target), 1 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Ground. Status Attack: Ground (Sandblast). Ability: Resilient. Automatically passes saves vs. weather effects. 
QUICK STRIKE (Normal, Physical): Announce that you want to use this move at the start of the round. This move happens before anything else, even status effects and saves, and deals sum damage. 
#062: Kingratt, the Twisted Together Legamon (Psychic). Level 2. 
Dugratt colonies are so densely packed that sometimes, a bunch of Dugratt all end up accidentally twisting their tails together so tightly they functionally become one organism. The nerves in their tails fuse, creating a psychic hive-consciousness that’s smart enough to take control of the whole colony and start directing it towards new goals. 
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 2 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target),2 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Psychic. Status Attack: Psychic (Confuse). Ability: Many-Headed. If this ‘mon misses with the first move it makes in a turn, it can try to use another move afterwards. 
QUICK STRIKE (Normal, Physical): Announce that you want to use this move at the start of the round. This move happens before anything else, even status effects and saves, and deals sum damage. 
ENTANGLE MINDS (Psychic, Status): Twists the target’s mind into the conclave that makes up the Kingratt’s. While it’s entangled, it takes the same amount of damage it deals to this ‘mon, and is affected by any status it inflicts on this ‘mon until this ‘mon successfully saves. Save ends this condition. 
#063: Sierchin, the Fractal Legamon (Water/Steel). Level 2.  
Floating through the choppy seas of Ocul Bay like naval mines, Sierchin are covered in branching spines that dig into anything they contact, even seemingly flat surfaces. If they don’t want to be removed, they’ll take a chunk of whatever they’re stuck to with them. The meat inside is delicious, and fishing villages around the bay have techniques to relax Sierchin so they can crack them open with minimal fuss. 
4 Hit Dice (20 Health), 0 Speed, 3 Armor (12 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 2 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Water. Status Attack: Steel (Trapped). Ability: Sticky Spines. ‘mon that hit this ‘mon with a physical attack are Trapped. 
HOSE DOWN (Water, Status): +sum to Save Target. Target is Drenched, then takes damage equal to the amount their stat was reduced. 
TEARING BARRAGE (Steel, Physical): Target takes sum damage and decreases their lowest stat by level.
#064: Hoardile, the Collecting Legamon (Dark). Level 1. Evolves into Pogonagon.
A small rust-colored legamon that can inflate a fearsome frill. Collects and defends a hoard of valuable trinkets; as many as it can find - especially those it can steal. Has a vicious bite, and puffs of toxic smoke emerge from its nostrils when its basked for long enough on its hoard in the sun.
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 0 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 3 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Dark. Status Attack: Dark (Flinch). Ability: Thief. When this ‘mon hits its target with a physical attack, it steals any items it’s holding.
PUFF UP (Normal, Status): Target succumbs to fear and switches out for a random ‘mon (or runs away, if wild).
#065: Pogonagon, the Frightening Face Legamon (Dark/Dragon). Level 2.
Its frill has become a mighty beard. When it puffs its beard up, it looks several times its size. Most of its attacks are fear-based, as it's actually incredibly lazy - its balefire breath is limited by how much it's basked in the sun.
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 1 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 3 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Dragon. Status Attack: Dark (Flinch). Ability: Sunbather. Gain an extra Power Die if this ‘mon started the battle fully healed. Lose that Power Die when damaged.
PUFF UP (Normal, Status): Target succumbs to fear and switches out for a random ‘mon (or runs away, if wild).
BALEFIRE BLAST (Dragon, Physical): Deal sum+dice+lowest damage and they save vs. burning.
#066: Cirranta, the Living Storm Legamon (Electric). Level 2.  
This legamon dives from the storms, illuminated by an inner crackle of static electricity that roils and thunders. Its charge carries a cloud with it, darkening the battlefield with fog until a bolt from its lightning-rod tail smashes through the haze. 
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 3 Speed, 0 Armor (10+Z Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 3 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Electric. Status Attack: Electric (Paralyze). Ability: Fog Cloud. Reduce the Speed of all other ‘mon in combat with this ‘mon by level. 
LIGHTNING BOLT (Electric, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage and target saves vs. paralyze. 
FLY (Flying, Movement/Utility): Fly high in the air; can carry trainers this way. A flying ‘mon becomes immune to attacks it normally resists. Can maintain flight in combat for sum rounds; ends when it uses or is hit by a Physical attack. 
#067: Permafrog, the Hibernating Legamon (Ice). Level 1. Evolves into Glacianura.  
This legamon’s bloodstream is filled with organic antifreeze, allowing it to survive even the coldest temperatures. While it might end up freezing, it’ll be none the worse for wear when it thaws out, seasons or even years later. 
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 0 Speed, 3 Armor (13 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 0 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Ice. Status Attack: Ice (Freeze). Ability: Antifreeze. Immune to freezing, paralysis, and drench. 
CRYOSTASIS (Ice, Maneuver): Freeze this ‘mon. While frozen, it regenerates dice health per turn, and gains +sum Armor and Save. 
#068: Glacianura, the Iceberg Legamon (Ice). Level 3. 
When a Permafrog’s hibernation lasts for years instead of a season, the antifreeze in its blood changes composition and starts to amalgamate ice into the legamon itself. It grows to vast size, and when submerged in the frozen lakes of the Chalice Glacier, Glacianura are often mistaken for islands. When asea, 90% of this legamon is concealed beneath the surface, so it’s even bigger than it seems on first glance. 
7 Hit Dice (35 Health), 0 Speed, 5 Armor (15 Armor Class), 5 Save (15 Save Target), 0 Attack, 4 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Ice. Status Attack: Ice (Freeze). Ability: Improved Antifreeze. Immune to freezing,paralysis, drench, entomb, bound, and trapped. 
CRYOSTASIS (Ice, Maneuver): Freeze this ‘mon. While frozen, it regenerates dice health per turn, and gains +sum Armor and Save. 
ICE OVER (Ice, Status): Target is frozen. While it’s frozen, it takes an additional sum damage from all physical hits. 
HAIL BARRAGE (Ice, Physical):Make sum attacks against the target. Each hit deals level damage and decreases Armor against the next attack from this move by 1 (lasts until move is resolved).  
#069: Quartigrade, the Hardy Legamon (Rock/Ground). Level 1. Evolves into Obsidigrade. 
This strangely-shaped legamon evolved in the deep underground to survive extremes of temperature and pressure. Theoretically, it could survive hard vacuum and freezing cold – it certainly has no problem on the surface, despite our world’s vast differences from its native tectonic climate. 
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 0 Speed, 4 Armor (14 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 1 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Rock. Status Attack: Ground (Sandblast). Ability: Ablative. May cut Armor by 2 to succeed on save. Can’t go below 0 this way. 
CRYSTALLIZE (Rock, Maneuver): Reduce damage dealt to this ‘mon by the next dice Physical attacks by this ‘mon’s Armor and increase the damage this ‘mon’s next dice attacks deal by this ‘mon’s Attack. 
#070: Obsidigrade, the Sure Survivor Legamon (Rock/Ground). Level 2.
The more struggles a Quartigrade experiences, the more its skin crystallizes. Once the facets are so thick it looks shiny-black to the eye, it has evolved into an Obsidigrade – somehow even tougher than before. 
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 0 Speed, 8 Armor (18 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 2 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Rock. Status Attack: Ground (Sandblast). Ability: Ablative. May cut Armor by 2 to succeed on save. Can’t go below 0 this way. 
CRYSTALLIZE (Rock, Maneuver): Reduce damage dealt to this ‘mon by the next dice Physical attacks by this ‘mon’s Armor and increase the damage this ‘mon’s next dice attacks deal by this ‘mon’s Attack. 
EARTHQUAKE (Ground, Physical): Deal sum+dice damage. On a miss, still deals half damage. Hits burrowing targets. 
#071: Spectrial, the Judgment Legamon (Ghost). Level 2. 
In times of great injustice, Spectrials rise from the souls of those who saw and tried and failed to heal the wounds of the era – no matter the cost. These disembodied legamon are nothing but the vengeant and restitutive instincts, and feed on both the great-yet-fleeting satisfaction of righteous revenge and the abiding hope that is borne of material reparations. 
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 0 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 5 Save (15 Save Target), 2 Attack, 5 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Ghost. Status Attack: Ghost (Curse). Ability: Wrathful. If this ‘mon is KO’d in one hit, it may make an attack in response before fainting. 
INTANGIBLE (Ghost, Maneuver): Treat enemy Physical attacks as Status attacks instead for sum rounds (instead of them making a roll with their Attack against your ‘mon’s Armor, your ‘mon makes a Save against their Save Target). 
RENDER UNTO (Ghost, Maneuver): Use a move that has been used against this ‘mon this battle. sum and dice for that move are equal to the sum and dice rolled for this one. 
#072: Scarsine, the War Bear Legamon (Fighting). Level 2. 
This legamon is covered in the scars of its victories. It can open its old wounds to bathe both itself and its enemies in its boiling blood, cauterizing its more recent wounds and scalding the enemy. 
4 Hit Dice (20 Health), 0 Speed, 4 Armor (14 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 4 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Fighting. Status Attack: Fighting (Stagger). Ability: Hot-Blooded. Get +1 Speed for the rest of the battle whenever this ‘mon is hit by or fails a save against an attack. 
PRACTICED STRIKE (Fighting, Physical): Deal sum+Attack damage. 
LAST CHANCE (Fighting, Physical): Deal damage equal to the amount of health this ‘mon is missing. Can’t deal more than level * dice * sum damage. 
#073: Whirlord, the Flaying Spin Legamon (Fighting). Level 3.  
Whirlord spins through the sands of Veyl, kicking up a scouring whirlwind of sands that shred anyone who dares obstruct its path. When it ceases its whirling to eat or sleep, its true form is revealed – a sphere of reaching, grasping arms and hands with no clear mouth or eyes. 
6 Hit Dice (30 Health), 1 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 5 Save (15 Save Target), 5 Attack, 4 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Fighting. Status Attack: Fighting (Stagger). Ability: Armed and Dangerous. This ‘mon’s Attack and Armor cannot be reduced. 
GRAPPLE (Fighting, Status): Target is Staggered and Bound. Same save ends both. 
SWAP GUARD (Fighting, Maneuver): Swap this ‘mon’s Attack and Armor. For each expended die, gain +dice to each. 
PAIN TORNADO (Fighting, Physical):Deal sum damage to the enemy. For the next highest rounds, whenever a ‘mon hits this ‘mon with a physical attack, it takes highest damage.
#074: Ooloo, the Vast Potential Legamon (Normal). Level 1. Evolves into Ashira, Avalira, Battira, Hivira, Mythira, Stormira… and more?
Ooloo might look like a cute little creature, but this unassuming legamon can adapt to the most hostile conditions. It absorbs the power of conflicting elements and becomes an embodiment of their coexistence.
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 1 Speed, 1 Armor (11 Armor Class), 1 Save (11 Save Target), 2 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Normal. Status Attack: Normal (Taunt). Ability: Adapt. After an attack hits this ‘mon, it gains resistance to that damage type until the end of the battle.
DEEP BREATH (Normal, Maneuver): Gain sum health. This can increase health above its maximum, but only for the duration of the battle.
#075: Ashira, the Forest Fire Embodiment Legamon (Fire/Grass). Level 2.
In areas with frequent forest fires, Ooloo evolves to help facilitate controlled burns. From the ashes, new life springs, and seeds are carried far both by the warm winds and Ashira’s thick pelt. Ashira form close-knit packs, and communally raise their litters.
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 1 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 3 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Fire. Status Attack: Grass (Drain). Ability: Firebreak. Automatically succeed on saves vs. burning and drain, then heal level health.
DEEP BREATH (Normal, Maneuver): Gain sum health. This can increase health above its maximum, but only for the duration of the battle.
CLEANSING BLAZE (Fire, Physical): An ashen fire consumes the battlefield. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, all combatants save vs. burning. On a 4-6, all combatants save vs. drain (if one of your ‘mon gets drained, the enemy ‘mon is healed). This expends the spent dice.

#076: Avalira, the Avalanche Embodiment Legamon (Rock/Flying). Level 2.  
On the slopes of Mt. Colossus, Ooloo’s cries shake loose torrents of rock and ice. It adapts to ride the avalanches, shouting from the lesser peaks and surfing the wave of debris down to the valleys both to hunt and for fun. 
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 2 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 2 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Rock. Status Attack: Flying (Knockdown). Ability: Rebound. Automatically succeed on saves vs. entomb and knockdown, then heal level health. 
DEEP BREATH (Normal, Maneuver): Gain sum health. This can increase health above its maximum, but only for the duration of the battle.  
ROCKSLIDE (Rock, Weather): Calls down a tidal wave of stone to sweep across the battlefield. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, all combatants save vs. entomb. On a 4-6, all combatants save vs. knockdown. 
#077: Battira, the War Embodiment Legamon (Dark/Fighting). Level 2.
Intense human conflict traps many Ooloo in dangerous warzones, in which they evolve into the feared Battira. It stalks the battlefield, scavenging from corpses, and turning the tide of engagements whichever way it sees fit. Sometimes Battira fight each other out of sheer boredom, but they never severely harm each other – they save that for the war.
4 Hit Dice (20 Health), 1 Speed, 3 Armor (13 Armor Class), 1 Save (11 Save Target), 4 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Dark. Status Attack: Fighting (Stagger). Ability: Fearless. Automatically succeed on saves vs. stagger and flinch, then heal level health.
DEEP BREATH (Normal, Maneuver): Gain sum health. This can increase health above its maximum, but only for the duration of the battle.
FOG OF WAR (Dark, Weather): Darkens the battlefield with a haze of pure fear. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, all combatants save vs. stagger. On a 4-6, all combatants save vs. flinch. This expends the spent dice.

#078: Hivira, the Swarm Embodiment Legamon (Bug/Psychic). Level 2. 
In the depths of Iridesce Forest, Ooloo assimilate into the hive, hearing the call of the swarm and understanding that there’s no greater safety than that of numbers. Their psychic call marshals and hatches swarms of new bug-types, working in tandem with the existing structures of the Iridesce Hive for mutual benefit. 
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 2 Speed, 3 Armor (13 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 3 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Bug. Status Attack: Psychic (Confuse). Ability: Escape Artist. Automatically succeed on saves vs. bind and confuse, then heal level health. 
DEEP BREATH (Normal, Maneuver): Gain sum health. This can increase health above its maximum, but only for the duration of the battle. 
MAYFLY SWARM (Bug, Weather): Hatch a swarm of buzzing flies that shroud the battlefield like a thick fog. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, all combatants save vs. bind. On a 4-6, all combatants save vs. confuse. 
#079: Mythira, the Cryptid Embodiment Legamon (Dragon/Fairy). Level 2.
Some Ooloo just want to be left alone. When they need to escape prying eyes and the constant influx of trainers into their hunting grounds, they become the embodiment of mythical creatures, invisible to cameras and anyone purposefully looking for them. No one knows why they choose certain trainers to trust with their existence.
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 3 Speed, 3 Armor (13 Armor Class), 1 Save (11 Save Target), 2 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Fairy. Status Attack: Dragon (Crush). Ability: Undiscovered. Automatically succeed on saves vs. charm and crush, then heal level health.
DEEP BREATH (Normal, Maneuver): Gain sum health. This can increase health above its maximum, but only for the duration of the battle.
FAE REALM (Fairy, Weather): Drag the battlefield into a surreal otherworld. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, all combatants save vs. charm. On a 4-6, all combatants save vs. crush. This expends the spent dice.
#080: Stormira, the Thunderstorm Embodiment Legamon (Water/Electric). Level 2.
When an Ooloo lives in a stormy area long enough, it evolves to ride lightning bolts up to the clouds and fall back down with the rain. Stormira are solitary predators, and fight viciously when they encounter each other.
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 3 Speed, 1 Armor (11 Armor Class), 1 Save (11 Save Target), 3 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Electric. Status Attack: Water (Drench). Ability: Storm Rider. Automatically succeed on saves vs. paralyze and drench, then heal level health.
DEEP BREATH (Normal, Maneuver): Gain sum health. This can increase health above its maximum, but only for the duration of the battle.
THUNDERHEAD (Electric, Weather): Summons a storm cloud across the battlefield. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, all combatants save vs. drench. On a 4-6, all combatants save vs. paralyze. This expends the spent dice.
#081: Velucharaptor, the Hunting Fossil Legamon (Rock/Fighting). Level 1.
Resurrected from ancient fossils using next-generation technology, Velucharaptor has a wicked kick that makes incredible use of its enormous toe claw. It’s flamboyantly feathered, brightly colored, and can change those colors to signal to other Velucharaptors, revealing its nature as a pack hunter.
1 Hit Die (5 Health), 2 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 3 Attack, 1 Power Die.
Physical Attack: Rock. Status Attack: Fighting (Stagger). Ability: Fossilized. Ancient bones let this ‘mon automatically succeed on its first save of a battle.
CLAW KICK (Fighting, Physical): Deals sum damage. Even on a miss, target can choose to be staggered, if they don’t, return the Power Dice used for this move no matter what their result was.

#082: Mentatherium, the Precocious Fossil Legamon (Rock/Psychic). Level 1.
Resurrected from ancient fossils using next-generation technology, Mentatherium is proof that creatures in every era have been just as intelligent as those today – or even more. While slothful, its mind is all the protection it needs, able to predict a predator’s movements and counter them expertly.
2 Hit Dice (10 Health), 0 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 0 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Rock. Status Attack: Psychic (Confuse). Ability: Fossilized. Ancient bones let this ‘mon automatically succeed on its first save of a battle.
FORESEE (Psychic, Status): Secretly write down a move. When the enemy makes it, they must save or take sum+highest damage.
#083: Alphanthrope, the Night Hunting Legamon (Dark). Level 2. 
The haunting howls of Alphanthrope ring out through the nights of Far Noctis. A hunting pack of Alphanthrope communicates and stuns its prey with the same howls, echoing around the woods to mask their location. It sounds like no matter where one turns, there’s another Alphanthrope waiting with open jaws and claws as bright as the moon. 
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 2 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 3 Save (13 Save Target), 4 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Dark. Status Attack: Dark (Flinch). Ability: Pack Tactics. All ‘mon in a battle alongside this ‘mon, including ‘mon it switches out for (but only for the next round), can use this ‘mon’s Speed instead of their own.
HOWL (Dark, Status): Target Flinches and is Confused. 
RENDING BITE (Dark, Physical): Deal sum+Attack damage.  
#084: Chiropyre, the Blood Drinking Legamon (Dark). Level 2. 
While many speak of Chiropyre like a nightmarish story, it’s as real as can be. It glides through the night on wings of stretched and torn skin and terrifies you into submission with a gaze of pure malice. When all your efforts to rebuff it have failed, it slurps your blood and organs and even your bones out through your throat, leaving nothing but a bag of skin behind – with its face distorted permanently into the horrified rictus of someone whose last sight was a Chiropyre. 
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 2 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 5 Save (15 Save Target), 1 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Dark. Status Attack: Dark (Flinch). Ability: Haemophage. Drain effects this ‘mon inflicts deal an extra level damage and heal an extra level health. 
DRAIN LIFE (Dark, Status): Drain the target. 
HAEMHORRAGE (Dark, Physical): Deal sum+sum damage. Target can roll any number of their remaining Power Dice to staunch the bleeding and reduce damage by the sum of that roll (still expend rolled dice on 4-6). 
#085: Blubble, the Gentle Giant Legamon (Water). Level 2. Evolves into Leviabyss.
These blubbery titans drift slowly through the coastal seas, feeding on tiny ‘mon and plants. They are slow to anger, so make ideal transports through treacherous and stormy waters.
5 Hit Dice (25 Health), 0 Speed, 3 Armor (13 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 0 Attack, 2 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Water. Status Attack: Water (Drench). Ability: Blubber. Can expend a Power Die to reduce damage from a physical attack by sum. This die doesn’t return.
SURF (Water, Movement): This ‘mon can carry passengers across the water. When used in combat, this move deals sum damage and target saves vs. knockdown.
CANNONBALL (Water, Physical): Deals sum damage to each other ‘mon. Gain +dice Save until the end of this ‘mon’s next turn from the shroud of water kicked up.
#086: Leviabyss, the Wakened Giant Legamon (Water/Dragon). Level 3.
Blubble is slow to anger, but when it's enraged, it uses its vast reserves of caloric energy to transform into a oceanic siege engine, implacable and unstoppable. Its baleen becomes scything jaws, and fins of bone burst through its skin to form natural armor.
8 Hit Dice (40 Health), 0 Speed, 6 Armor (16 Armor Class), 6 Save (10 Save Target), 3 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Water. Status Attack: Dragon (Crush). Ability: Blubber. Can expend a Power Die to reduce damage from a physical attack by sum. This die doesn’t return.
SURF (Water, Movement): This ‘mon can carry passengers across the water. When used in combat, this move deals sum damage and target saves vs. knockdown.
CANNONBALL (Water, Physical): Deals sum damage to each other ‘mon. Gain +dice Save until the end of this ‘mon’s next turn from the shroud of water kicked up.
DRAGON CRUNCH (Dragon, Physical): Crush the target. They take damage equal to the amount their Armor is decreased this way, plus highest.
#087: Cuatlass, the Sky Blade Legamon (Dragon). Level 3.
Cuatlass wing their way across the Chalice skies, undisputed masters of their domain. Their sinuous bodies let them curl around their prey and crush them into submission, while their powerful feathered wings give them enough lift to carry that prey high into the sky. Shepherds only have one reaction to a Cuatlass sighting: leaving Gruffle in offering, to sate its hunger. 
4 Hit Dice (20 Health), 4 Speed, 2 Armor (12 Armor Class), 2 Save (12 Save Target), 5 Attack, 4 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Dragon. Status Attack: Dragon (Crush). Ability: Aerial Ace. May use Fly at the start of a round in addition to any moves it will later make (this still costs PD).
 DRAGON’S MAJESTY (Dragon, Status): Crush the target. Gain +sum Attack while they’re crushed. 
FLY (Flying, Movement/Utility): Fly high in the air; can carry trainers this way. A flying ‘mon becomes immune to attacks it normally resists. Can maintain flight in combat for sum rounds; ends when it uses or is hit by a Physical attack.
DEVASTATE (Dragon, Physical): Deal sum+dice+level+highest+lowest damage. Expend all dice spent on this ability regardless of result.
by Kira Kallas
#088: Impradiate, the
D̗̹͉̗͡A̖̩̺̳̟ͅN̸͍̲͔G͈̤̲͉͉͎ER̠̜̣̘͍̻̺̕O̷͎̘̲Ù͙̜̮̣̺̗̣S͟ ͇͎͚A͏N̼̪͔D̝̝̖̰͎̻ ̹R͕E̥̞͎͞P̥̬̩͉U̻̖̮L͙S͉̬̘̗̯̠I̼̪͔̘͇V̙̼̲̗͙͇E̯͘ ̰̗́T͟O̯̲̘͚͕ ̳̰̬̯̪͠ͅU͔̼̟̘S̟͘ Legamon (Fire/Poison). Level 2. Evolves into Demoncore.
Impradiates wander aimlessly, burning with an intense blue light that hurts to look at. It did not exist in this land before the Ancients, and has lurked in their ruins ever since they came to these shores. Some say it’s a physical manifestation of their sins against the natural world, instead of a living creature. 
3 Hit Dice (15 Health), 0 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 4 Save (14 Save Target), 4 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Poison. Status Attack: Fire (Burning). Ability: Radioactive. Prolonged exposure to this legamon causes radiation sickness, cancer, and death. All other ‘mon in a party with this ‘mon start with one fewer Hit Die (if this reduces them to 0 Hit Dice, they start with 1 Health). 
IRRADIATE (Poison, Status): Inflict Poisoned and Burning. Same save ends both statuses. Can’t be healed or prevented by abilities, items, or immunities.  
CRITICALITY (Fire, Physical):Deal sum+dice damage. If a Power Die rolls a 6, reroll it, and add the new result to the sum and add 1 to dice. If the rerolled die is a 1-3, it is returned to your pool.
#089: Demoncore, the N̯͈̩̞̭̕O͓̙͘ ̝̱̻H̞̣̲̝̲IG̴̙̣͇̗̪ͅH̠̭̫̹L͍͕̰̥̞͢Y͕̤̭ ̶E̱̞͉̥͟ͅS̪͓͚̲͉̲T̜̟̤̰̫ͅE̝͚̪̘E͏̜̯̣̯M̖͔E̺̘̟̼̮͖ͅD̶̲ ̛̟̦D͍͓́Ȩ͇͕͚͇̰͈E̻D̢S҉ ͕A̛R̯Ḙ̴̖ ͙̞͖̘C͕̥O̹̤̦͓̬̕M̠͎͕͚̫̫̻M̲͔̣̲EM̘̫O̞͟Ṛ̞̦̰̭A̜̲͇̳͓͡ͅT̺̜̣̥̬ͅE̫̩͇̜͚ͅD͎̝ Legamon (Fire/Poison). Level 3.  
5 Hit Dice (25 Health), 0 Speed, 0 Armor (10 Armor Class), 6 Save (16 Save Target), 6 Attack, 4 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Poison. Status Attack: Fire (Fire). Ability: Radioactive. Prolonged exposure to this legamon causes radiation sickness, cancer, and death. All other ‘mon in a party with this ‘mon start with one fewer Hit Die (if this reduces them to 0 Hit Dice, they start with 1 Health). 
IRRADIATE (Poison, Status): Inflict Poisoned and Burning. Same save ends both statuses. Can’t be healed or prevented by abilities, items, or immunities.  
CRITICALITY (Fire, Physical):Deal sum+dice damage. If a Power Die rolls a 6, reroll it, and add the new result to the sum and add 1 to dice. If the rerolled die is a 1-3, it is returned to your pool. 
FALLOUT (Dark, Weather): At the beginning of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-3, all ‘mon save vs. Poisoned. On a 4-6, all ‘mon save vs.Curse. Whenever a ‘mon passes one of these saves, they Flinch. Expends the spent dice.
by Hua Teo
#090: Eyescraper, the Towering Legamon (Steel). Level 2.
It juts from the landscape, looking to all onlookers as just another of the ruined towers common to the Cataclys region. However, if you look closely at its “windows”, you can see it looking back. Sometimes, the howls on the wind aren’t just blowing through the ruin-canyons – they’re the calls of forlorn Eyescrapers singing their melancholy songs.
6 Hit Dice (30 Health), 0 Speed, 5 Armor (15 Armor Class), 0 Save (10 Save Target), 0 Attack, 3 Power Dice.
Physical Attack: Steel. Status Attack: Steel (Trapped). Ability: Tower. This ‘mon is incredibly tall, and you can walk around inside it.
STEELY GAZE (Steel, Status): Choose one of the rolled results from the following list to inflict (ex. if you roll a 1 and a 3, choose either Stagger or Confused): 1. Stagger, 2. Flinch, 3. Confused, 4. Trapped, 5. Entomb, 6. Crush.
REBAR SHOT (Steel, Physical): Deal sum damage and target saves vs. being Bound by being impaled on rebar.
#091: Chitainia, the Hive Queen of Iridesce Forest (Fairy/Bug).
#092: Nyxanther, the Tiger Lord of Noctis Jungle (Dark/Grass). 
#093: Carcharybdis, the Shark King of Ocul Bay (Water/Steel).
#094: Desolai, the Heart-Storm of Veyl Desert (Ground/Psychic).
#095: Revengeant, the Spirit of the Cataclysm (Ghost/Fighting).
#096: Magtitan, the Volcanic Warrior (Fire).
#097: Arctitan, the Glacial Warrior (Ice).
#098: Voltitan, the Lightning Warrior (Electric).
#099: Entrokos, the Entropic Principle (Rock/Poison).
#100: Genaeratos, the Generative Principle (Flying/Dragon).

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic work, again! Are Impradiate and Demoncore immune to Radioactive? Is anything? ... what about the trainer? Yikes


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