Friday, September 17, 2021


get it here!

What this is:
‣ The spiritual successor to SAWN-OFF.
‣ Designed for usability. Every part should be immediately obvious as to how and where it gets used at the table.
‣ Procedure-focused. There's no core gameplay loop or Gygaxian adherence to time records, but instead a collection of procedures to handle common situations and to give GMs a baseline to improvise off of.
‣  Vaguely storygamey. I really liked my 2d6 exploration rolls, so I expanded them to cover all situations where players have to evaluate a scenario with imperfect information.
‣ My best GLOGhack yet, in my humble (ha!) opinion.
‣ The work of countless hours spent procrastinating on longer, more estimable projects.
‣ Only 11 pages long!

What this is not:
‣ Playtested, yet, unfortunately. Some of the components have been, but overall? I don't know how it plays, but I'm dying to find out!
‣ A list of classes, backgrounds, equipment, and spells. We have so many of those in the GLOGosphere that you can easily find ones to fit your taste - even on this very blog!
‣ Setting-specific. I made it generic enough to crowbar into pretty much anything; bolt on as many tables and maps and lists as you want. Items are generic as well, and I've purposely refused to commit to any particular set of religions or even one set of spellcasting rules (in keeping with my steadfast distaste of standard GLOG magic).
‣ Comprehensive. It's missing parts that many games will need, primarily character options. Expand it, exploit it, make house rules. The GLOG is not to be constrained to one PDF, or one author.
‣ Complete. I'm posting it now to avoid the depredations of my eternal nemesis, Scope Creep. There will be updates, more procedures, more items, and maybe even that dread spectre of content.

What this might be:
‣ My new favorite hack.
‣ Your new favorite hack.
‣ A solid foundation upon which to start building your own GLOG.
‣ The ravings of a lunatic.
‣ Full of blood. Not my blood, thanks for asking


  1. Cool! One question, though: why did you decide to go back to attack rolls?

    1. More cross-compatibility. I've added heavy attacks to satisfy my need for guaranteed damage, but so many other GLOGs interact with attack rolls that coming up with some sort of conversion process is just unwieldy.

    2. I see where you're coming from. I am not a fan of attack rolls, but your heavy attack rule is quite nifty.

    3. There's a few more combat rules I'm planning on adding and changing in the future, so hang tight! Attack rolls might not make it in, depending on how everything fits together.

  2. Nice hack! Gotta spend some time reading it through and figure out what to steal.

    I also really like the layout. Did you use something like InDesign?

    1. I just used LibreOffice! Tables without drawn borders are basically all I use to do layout work.


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