Monday, March 25, 2019

Extra Chargen Tables

Here's some of my homebrew stuff to flesh out characters at chargen and incentivize fully-random rolling.

Rewards for Random Generation
Image result for rat queens
At chargen, I let players reallocate ability scores, pick a race, and pick a class, so they can have full control over their character if they want to - but for each of keeping the scores they rolled, rolling a race, or rolling a class, they get a roll on the Rewards table below. Keeping scores gets you a d6, rolling race gives you a d12, rolling class gives you a d20.

d6/d12/d20 Rewards
1. Extra random item
2. Extra random skill
3. d4*10 extra starting gold
4. Mundane pet
5. Peasant contact
6. 1 free reroll per session until you fail on a reroll.

7. Favor from a local official
8. Secret stash of basic supplies
9. Hireling
10. Map of the surrounding area, with some marks at locations of interest
11. Noble contact
12. +2 to a random ability score.

13. Safehouse
14. Ear of local notable (literal or figurative, your choice)
15. Letter of marque from ruler
16. Raise another random ability score to your highest score.
17. Supernatural pet
18. Wizard contact
19. A whole bunch of buddies
20. Inherited +1 weapon

Party Connections

Image result for d&d party
Everyone rolls this about the character to their left as a little RP starter. If a new character is rolled up due to death/retirement/imprisonment in a tomb seventy miles beneath the surface, they roll this for d4 other characters in the party.

d50 Reasons You Know The Character To Your Left
1. Admired by
2. Admires
3. Adoptive cousins
4. Apprentices under same master
5. Both bad at same mundane activity
6. Both skilled at same mundane activity
7. Both think each other is someone else they know
8. Can't quite place where you saw each other, but have some major deja vu
9. Cell buddies
10. Childhood friends
11. Collaborators on project
12. Contracted by
13. Drinking buddies
14. Former classmates
15. Former coworkers
16. Frequented same establishment
17. Friendly rivals
18. From the same town
19. Have a business plan for when you get out of the adventuring scene
20. Have same ex
21. Have same guild membership
22. Idolize same famous figure
23. Introduced by mutual friend, hit it off
24. Know each others' embarrassing secrets
25. Life saved by
26. Looking for same rare item
27. Lost friends in same mysterious circumstances
28. Member of the same church
29. Named in same inheritance
30. Owed something by
31. Owes something to
32. Pen pals
33. Ran away from home together
34. Received same mysterious letter
35. Roommates
36. Same embarrassing nickname
37. Same political agitation group
38. Saved their life
39. Scammed in same con
40. Scarred in same event
41. Study same obscure subject
42. Suffering from same disease
43. Sworn to protect
44. Their mentor
45. Their student
46. Traveling companions
47. Unrequited crush
48. Used to date, mutually broke it off
49. War buddies
50. Wear same unfashionable article of clothing

Random Skill List
Image result for d&d workshop
For some reason my players keep asking for a skill list to pick from. Here's one.

d100 Assorted Skills
1. Acting
2. Alchemy
3. Animal Handling
4. Architecture
5. Aristocracy
6. Arson
7. Art
8. Astrology
9. Banditry
10. Barber-Surgery
11. Bartending
12. Begging
13. Blacksmithing
14. Bully
15. Butchery
16. Butlery
17. Cartography
18. City Watch
19. Clerking
20. Clockmaking
21. Comedy
22. Conviction
23. Cooking
24. Cultistry
25. Dealing
26. Debate
27. Detectivism
28. Divine Will
29. Dueling
30. Etiquette
31. Farming
32. Fishing
33. Foraging
34. Forging
35. Fortune Telling
36. Gambling
37. Gardening
38. Gladiation
39. Guarding
40. Herbology
41. Hermitry
42. Hunting
43. Interrogation
44. Jailery
45. Knaving
46. Laborer
47. Languages
48. Law
49. Librarian
50. Lore
51. Lumberjackry
52. Managing
53. Masonry
54. Matchmaker
55. Medicine
56. Merchantry
57. Mining
58. Mountaineering
59. Music
60. Noetics
61. Oration
62. Outlawry
63. Peasantry
64. Philosophy
65. Pickpocketry
66. Pilgrimstry
67. Pillaging
68. Poetry
69. Poisoning
70. Priestliness
71. Quartermastery
72. Questing
73. Ratcatching
74. Riding
75. Sailing
76. Scribing
77. Sculpting
78. Seduction
79. Serfdom
80. Servantry
81. Shepherding
82. Shopkeeping
83. Soldiering
84. Street Magic
85. Surviving Improbably
86. Tactics
87. Tailoring
88. Tax Collecting
89. Teaching
90. Tinkering
91. Traveling
92. Trivia
93. Undertaking
94. Use Rope
95. Vigilance
96. Violence
97. Witchcraft
98. Xenobiology
99. Yeomanship
100. Zealotry

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